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Felix and Hongjoong ate and immeadietly went to go take a nap on Hongjoong's bed, the two cuddling to sleep until they were interrupted by Felix's ringtone. The younger lazily took out his phone with closed eyes and layed it on his head to listen to what was being said as Hongjoong played with his hair. "What now? I'm trying to take a nap." Felix whined. "You're cute, little whore." Yuto spoke, making Felix completely open his eyes, and Hongjoong to completely stop playing with his friend's hair.

"What do you want?" "I want you with me, little whore. I miss you and your body." "Why are you calling from Changbin's phone?" "You blocked me on my number. Changbin's in the shower right now, so it's the perfect time to call you. So, when you come over, are we going to my room to have fun?" Hongjoong gently took the phone off of Felix's head and hung up, leaving the phone on the nightstand near them. "Absolutely not. I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but that's so disrespectful. How can someone even think to say that? Are you okay?" The oldest gently asked as he started playing with the freckled male's hair again, this time slower, so it was more comforting.

Felix had his head near Hongjoong's chest, so he just hugged that. "It's okay. The phone was right there, and it was pretty loud. It's also not the first time he does that, so I'm fine." The older shook his head in disapproval as he pulled the younger closer to his chest and played with his hair even more. "That's horrible. You don't deserve that, beautiful." The blonde haired male just shrugged before slightly pulling away from the black and blonde haired male to look him up in the eyes. "It's okay, Joong. It's not a first. Dont worry about it." "But he just-" "It's okay. Let's take a nap instead. I was almost asleep. You're really comfortable and warm." Felix said as he put his face right back to the older's chest.

Hongjoong shook his head in disbelief as he gently held the younger's head close to himself as he played with his hair. "Whatever you want, beautiful." The older spoke as he thought about what just happened. How can someone just call their brother's boyfriend such a rude name without being close to them? Felix was clearly annoyed and uncomfortable by the name and rude remarks being said. "Does Changbin know about his brother being creepy to you?" Felix nodded.

"He does. He tries keeping us in his room when he's there since what Yuto can do is disturbing. He also beat him up for doing and saying something rude to me. I appreciate it, but I just wish Yuto wasn't like that." "I'm sorry for what I'm going to ask, but what exactly has he done and said to you?" Felix pulled away from his friend's chest to smile at him. "You care?" "I do." Hongjoong responded, making Felix bite his lip, unsure if he should tell his friend or not. "It's nothing. It already happened, Joong. You shouldn't worry about it. I'm here, and I'm doing just fine. Don't worry about anything, okay?"

The black and blonde haired male stared at Felix with heart eyes even during the serious situation, showing he cared and was actually listening. "If you say so, sunshine. I just don't like the comments he made about you being a whore or about your body. He's also sick for asking you to go to his room to have 'fun' with him when you're clearly uncomfortable." "Joong, it's okay. It really is. Don't think too much of it, okay? It's not your fault."

"I don't like him nor-" "I know, but let's just sleep for now, Joong. There's nothing we can do about it anymore. Thank you for caring." Felix reassured with a smile before he started getting comfortable again in Hongjoong's arms. "You're an angel," the older quietly mumbled as the younger let out a content sigh.

Almost an hour had passed, and the two friends were now fully asleep in each other's arms before a ringtone went off, once again being from Felix's phone. The older slowly woke up from the noise and declined the call to not wake the younger up, not caring who it was. As soon as Hongjoong layed back down, Felix cuddled up to him again, this time closer to the older's neck and jaw. The black and blonde haired male's face immediately flushed red as his heart did that one excited yet nervous feeling, making him smile. "You're amazing. You really don't understand. Especially when you make me feel this way." The older said before kissing his friend's head.

Once again, Felix's phone went off, and the younger started shifting when Hongjoong went to go decline the call again. The freckled male then woke up to the shifting and ringtone, making him sleepily grab his phone and answer the call, laying right back where he was with closed eyes. "Hello?" Felix's deep, sleepy voice was heard. "Why didn't you answer me the first time? I called you already, and you declined the call. Answer me the first time, or I'll take your phone away tonight." Changbin spoke with annoyance, earning a surprised face from Hongjoong at what was just said. "Bubba, I was sleeping. I didn't know you called me. I'm sorry." "So then you didn't decline my call?" "No, Bubba. I wouldn't do that." Felix yawned.

"Are you lying to me?" Changbin concluded. "No, Bubba. I really was asleep. I probably declined the call on accident. I'm sorry I didn't wake up to answer you." The freckled male's boyfriend just sighed in response before speaking. "It's fine. Can we go out now?" "Love, please give me some time. I just woke up." "You've been there for so long, how do you want to stay longer?" "Bubs, we were sleeping for most of it. We ate, and we both fell asleep. We didn't do much, yet." Changbin groaned as Hongjoong cupped Felix's face to look him in the eyes, asking if he was okay, earning a nod with a smile in response to his question.

"I think you've done enough. I want to go out with you." "Bin, I know you do, but give me some time with Hongjoong as well. He's our friend." "Okay? I still want to be with you." "Love, just a little longer." "Thirty minutes, then I'm going to pick you up." "An hour, Bubba. Thirty minutes isn't enough." Changbin just groaned in frustration before responding, "fine. An hour. Then we're going out." "Yes, Bin. Thank you." "Now go do something." "Yes, Bubs. I love you." "I love you too" Changbin spoke before hanging up, making Felix sigh and also cup Hongjoong's face. "You're beautiful, sunshine." "Thank you. You have pretty eyelashes, Joong." The two laughed before cuddling again.

"Is Changbin really that controlling towards you?" Felix furrowed his eyebrows. "I wouldn't say it's controlling, but more that he cares what I'm doing just to make sure I'm okay." "Beautiful, he wasn't asking that. He wants to take your phone away from you just because of a phone call. He's also restricting your time with a friend because he wants to go out." "It's nothing, really. I like spending time with you, but if Changbin says we're going out, then it goes. I like spending time with him as well. I just don't like how sometimes it's whenever I'm already spending time with someone else."

"Have you told him?" "No. I think he's going to get mad at me." Felix explained, making Hongjoong's heart break. Felix knew a lot about communicating his feelings, but when he couldn't, it made the older's heart break. Especially since he knew Felix wouldn't do it out of fear. "Let's go play some games, sunshine. I want you to be happy and smiling. I love it when you're smiling and happy. Does that sound okay, or do you want to stay here like this?" The younger snuggled closer to his friend.

"Like this... for ten minutes. We can play the games later." Hongjoong nodded in return as the two closed their eyes. The two actually ended up sleeping once again before there was loud banging on Hongjoong's front door, making the two males immediately flinch, and the older protectively hold Felix in his arms. "What the fuck?" The black and blonde haired male mumbled, "Joong, what's going on?" The younger quietly asked as he held his friend's arm. "I'm not sure, baby. Stay here. Let me go look." "N-no, I'll go with you." "Baby, please stay here." Hongjoong pleaded before getting up from the bed to go to the front door where the banging got louder, Felix doing just as he was told.

The black and blonde haired male slowly opened the door before yelling immediately started. "Felix! Your time's up! Come with me!" Changbin yelled as he opened the door more to see Hongjoong. "Where's Felix?" The shorter immediately asked as he invited himself into Hongjoong's house. "Hey, what's wrong? What's up with the yelling?" The oldest asked as the black haired male searched the house for his boyfriend. "You're also taking Felix away from me. You're hiding him from me. You don't like us being together, so you decide to hide him from me." Changbin explained as he continued searching, now only leaving Hongjoong's bedroom to search.

Before the shorter could do that, the older stood in front of the door. "I'm not hiding him from you. I'm just spending time with him." "So let me in." Changbin demanded as he almost opened the door before being stopped. "No. Calm down. You're mad right now, and I know how abusive you can get with him when you're like this. He doesn't deserve that." "Just let him come out already! I'm fucking pissed off he keeps lying to me!" "When did he lie to you?" "When he said he was going out with me in an hour, it's been two!" "He was sleeping. Don't get mad at him for just sleeping." Just as Hongjoong had defended the youngest, the blonde haired male opened the door to stop the arguing.

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