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The three males spent more time together before Felix decided to give the couple time together without him. That, and he wanted to go spend time with Hongjoong since it would be too late to hang out any later. Felix and Hongjoong both met up and immediately hugged as a greeting, Hongjoong kissing Felix's forehead after the hug.

"You look beautiful, my sunshine." The older smiled with heart eyes, earning a smile from the freckled male. "Thank you, handsome." "Where do you want to go, beautiful? We can go anywhere you want. I'll take care of you." Felix bit his lip in nervousness. He didn't want Hongjoong to be embarrassed by him, but he also felt strange since he had the freedom to choose where they were going to. With Changbin, it's mostly Changbin choosing where they go, so it always felt strange when Hongjoong asked him that.

"Can we..... can we go for some ice cream? Or should I not ask for that? Do you think I'm fat for wanting to eat some ice cream?" Felix asked as he looked at his friend, who frowned at him before giving him another kiss on his forehead. "No, sunshine. Don't think like that. I think you're perfect. Please dont think that. You're breaking my heart. Why would you think that?" "Changbin would tell me that I'm always eating and that I'm getting fat. I.... I don't want to leave that impression on you too." "No, beautiful. I won't think that way of you. You're too perfect for that. Let's go get some ice cream." "Are you sure? I.... I don't want to embarrass you. I don't want to annoy you either."

Hongjoong hugged his friend with a frown on his face, the younger also hugging back since he felt the comfort the older was giving him. "Am I annoying you?" The freckled male asked with a hoarse voice. "No, sunshine. You're not. I don't want you to think like that. None of that is true. We're doing what you want. You're not going to embarrass me like you think you will. I'm proud to have you as my boyfr- as my friend. Let's go get ice cream just like you wanted." Felix nodded as he pulled away from the hug. "Can it be the one near my house?" "Of course, beautiful. They have a flavor other shops don't?" The oldest asked with a smile as they got inside his car.

"No, it's just in case you get tired of me! I won't have to be walking for hours. I don't want to risk annoying you and you leaving me in the middle of somewhere I don't know to walk back home!" The blonde haired male smiled, making his friend's smile slowly fade. "Lix, I wouldn't do that to you." "Yes, you would. It's just a matter of time until you get mad and leave me to walk home. Don't worry, I know what people do when they're mad." Felix reassured with a sweet smile on his face, breaking the older's heart even more before holding his friend's hand.

"I'll treat you right, baby. Don't think about what Changbin said or did to you when you're with me. I'll take care of you better than he can. Let's go get ice cream at this great ice cream place I know." Hongjoong reassured with a smile before driving. Felix stared at their hands before looking up at his friend, just then realizing how beautiful the older was. The freckled male let out a quiet "woah" before blushing and feeling his heart race at the sight of them holding hands once again.

Hongjoong's heart was also beating to the max, but didn't let it be too obvious since he was driving. "Sunshine, I...... I love going out with you." "I also enjoy going out with you, Joong." Felix responded, earning a kiss on the back of his hand from the older. "Have you been alright, beautiful? I know how it's going with Changbin, so I just wanted to check up on you." "I'm alright. I just want him to pay attention to me when I try talking to him." "He's still not paying attention to you?" The younger shook his head as a no. "I'm really trying. I don't know what to do anymore."

"Leave him, Lix. See if he pays attention to you then." The freckled male shrugged at the response he got from his friend. "I don't know, Joong. I still love him." "Are you happy with him?" "Sometimes" "what about confident? Do you feel confident when you're around him?" "Sometimes." "Do you feel butterflies in your stomach when you're with him?" "I lost that feeling such a long time ago. I only feel it when we're cuddling, but we don't even cuddle much." "Does your heart get warm when you're around him?" Felix shook his head as a no before speaking. "He made me lose that feeling when we started arguing so much."

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