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The next day had come around, and Felix was out with Hongjoong, eating at some sushi restaurant they found nearby, while Changbin was at home eating chicken breast. "So, how do you know about this place? It's really cute." Hongjoong asked the freckled blonde who just smiled. "My parents used to take me and my sisters here all the time when we were younger. We still come, just not as often as we used to."

"Ohhhh. So you know the owner, I'm guessing?" Felix nodded in response. "She's lovely. She used to watch over me and my sisters when my parents couldn't be home." "That's so cute." "Yeah, it really is. What are you going to eat?" Hongjoong looked at the menu and told the younger about his choice before the freckled male told the waiter.

"What about you? Do you have any childhood memories from around the area?" Hongjoong just shook his head as a no. "I only remember the constant moving my parents used to do when we were younger. I hated them for making me leave the people I loved every time we moved somewhere else. I told myself to give up on making friends, but you came in and changed that." Felix smiled at the response.

"I'm sure there's a reason to all the moving, but you shouldn't be so hard on yourself when making friends. You'll always have one. I'm glad I could change your mind and be your friend." Hongjoong smiled in return as their food came to their table with the owner of the place. "Oh my gosh! It's my Lix! You've grown so much! How have you been, lovely angel?! Who do we have here? Is he your boyfriend?" The woman excitedly gasped as she hugged the younger male.

"Mrs. Kim! I missed you! I've been good! I'm here with a friend, his name is Hongjoong, my boyfriend is at home." "Awww, that's amazing, Felix. Here's some alcohol. You children hush and just take it." Felix raised his eyebrows in shock at the sudden announcement. "Mrs. Kim, we're not of age yet." "You guys aren't?" Hongjoong shook his head as a no in response, syncing with Felix.

"Take it. Have some fun. A little alcohol is good to have at times like this. You guys just pretend you're of age." Felix sighed and accepted the bottle of alcohol. "Thank you, Mrs. Kim." "Of course, honey. Just don't tell your parents. They'd never trust me with you again." Felix smiled with a nod as the older woman walked away with her arms behind her back like she accomplished a mission.

"Well, do you want a drink?" The blonde haired male asked the older, making the two friends laugh. Hongjoong accepted the drink, making Felix pour some of whatever Mrs. Kim gave them into both their cups. The two clicked their cups together before drinking the alcohol. "That was disgusting, but the burn in my chest felt good." The older spoke after the drink, making the younger nod in agreement.

"Let's eat?" Felix suggested, making Hongjoong eat first, then the freckled male. The two talked and ate for a while, soon being done with their food and only being left with the alcohol brought by the owner of the restaurant. Hongjoong was too full to fit in any of the alcohol, so he left the rest to Felix to drink, wanting to see a drunk Felix. The freckled male drank more than half the bottle on his own since we'll he couldn't return the open alcohol nor throw it away since he'd feel bad.

Minutes passed by, and the young blonde haired male started feeling the effects of the alcohol even after just eating. "Joong, do you think I'm a bad person for being friends with someone Changbin doesn't like?" "No, that doesn't make you a bad person. Why? Do you think you are?" Felix nodded. "Changbin hates Jeongin so much, and it just breaks my heart since Jeongin is such a nice kid. He just wants to love everyone and get it in return. Changbin just keeps telling me to drop Innie as a friend, but I don't since we pretty much grew up together. I just thought that made me a bad person."

Hongjoong furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "Why does he not want you guys being friends so much?" "He thinks I'm cheating on him with Innie. I do feel bad because we kind of did kiss yesterday, but it was only because we used to do that when we were younger, even only as friends. Jeongin doesn't have feelings for me like that. I dont have feelings for him like that either. The kiss meant nothing to either of us. Do you think I'm a bad person now?"

Hongjoong was left with his jaw dropped, shocked and confused on what to say. "I mean, it was wrong, but that doesn't make you a bad person." "Right." "Does Changbin do anything to you other than control who you talk with?" "Oh yeah, he hits me, calls me names, ignores me, takes my phone away. The list probably goes on longer. I still love him, though. I see him changing every day. He's more open to me now. He started loving me! He even kisses me! He lets me kiss him! It's just all getting better by the day!"

"He didn't love you before? He never kissed you until now? He never let you kiss him?" Felix slightly shook his head as a no before ordering another bottle of alcohol and quickly drinking a large amount from it. "No, to all of the questions. This one time, I kissed his cheek, and he slapped me for it. I didn't go home that night and spent it at Jeongin's so my parents wouldn't see it. I was scared at first but grew some balls to stand up for myself at times."

Hongjoong smiled as he patted the younger's head with a smile on his face before cupping a side of the freckled male's face, the younger leaning into the hand as he smiled and gently held the hand. "I wish Changbin did this to me. I love it when people do this. It's so cute and lovely. Should I ask Changbin to do this to me?" Hongjoong shook his head as a no in response.

"He should already be doing sweet things to you like this. It breaks my heart to see a friend ask for something so simple from their boyfriends." "But this isn't simple. Changbin won't even know what I'm talking about..... maybe you're right. I shouldn't do that." Felix agreed as his voice started getting quieter, and he pulled Hongjoong's hand away from his face. "Thank you for doing that."

"Of course. Do you want me to talk to Changbin about this?" The freckled male immediately shook his head. "No, he can't know. He would probably hit me if he found out, but at the same time, he's changed..... either way, please don't." Just then, the blonde haired male got a call from his boyfriend. "Where are you? Didn't I tell you we were going to go out today?" Changbin's frustrated voice could be heard, "I'm at home." "Oh really? I'm at your house and your parents said you went to go out and eat with one of your friends. Why are you lying to me?!"

The black haired male on the phone yelled, making Felix look up and turn away after seeing Hongjoong's concerned look. "I.... I knew you were going to get mad-" "Well, now I'm even more pissed that you lied to me! Who are you even with?! You don't have friends." "I'm-" Felix stopped talking and ran to the bathroom to throw up from the alcohol, leaving his phone on the ground where he was sitting.

"Felix! Answer me!" Changbin's angry voice was heard yelling even from across the table where Hongjoong was sitting. The oldest hung up the call before getting up from the ground to check up on his friend. "Lix, is everything okay?" He asked as he knocked on the bathroom door. "No, I just threw up. Fucking alcohol." The blonde haired male spoke before he continued throwing up.

A few more minutes had passed, and Felix was finally out of the bathroom. "Too much?" Felix nodded before the two went to go sit down. The freckled male then realized he was no longer on call with his boyfriend, making him gasp with wide eyes. "Did I hang up? Or did he?" "I did. He was just yelling at you to answer him." "Why would you do that? He was already mad, knowing that the call ended would make him mad."

"I did it 'cause you don't need to be yelled at for leaving your own home to be with a friend and because some people were staring." Felix had tears filling his eyes as the restaurant door opened and showed Changbin. "Joong, please help" the younger cried as he held onto his friend's arm. "You're here with him? Why didn't you just say that?! You made me think you were with that child again!" The shortest yelled as he walked up to his boyfriend and harshly grabbed his arm, definitely leaving another bruise.

"Bro, what's wrong with you? This is literally your boyfriend. You don't treat someone you love like that." Hongjoong spoke as he got up and went in between the couple. "You know what he's done to me, and you defend him?!" "Listen, let him go. I heard you. If you really feel that way, then talk to him right now. Don't hit him. I'm your friend and his friend." Changbin did as he was told and let go of his boyfriend before the youngest led the way to the bathroom.

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