[Chapter 5] Black Wind Valley

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Harvey hummed to himself as he picked up herbs around the cave. He was the first to wake up, and seeing that he had the energy, he decided to get to work.

"You're already working. You're a workaholic," came Curtis's voice. Seeing he was out here meant Rhea was probably still asleep.

"Well, if I don't get to work making those tonics, she might accidentally get pregnant while poisoned, no thanks to you."

Curtis looked guilty.

Harvey sighed. "It's not your fault. Don't worry, I'll try and make the tonic today."

"How are you okay with it?" Curtis asked, his voice tense.

"With what?" Harvey replied.

"With sharing."

It made sense that Curtis would struggle. Curtis had been alone all his life. He knew logically that females should have more than one male, but he was such an independent snake that he really struggled with sharing. Compared to Harvey, who grew up in a tribe, their life experiences were different.

"Well, when I first met her, I never expected her to take me. If you didn't say yes, she really would have sent me away that day."

"Why do you say that?" Curtis asked, genuinely curious.

"Don't you see? She doesn't need other males. She can live just fine protecting herself."

Curtis pondered this for a bit. He looked at the gold bangle on his hand, realizing that she put up with him from the moment she stepped into this world because she wanted to, not because she had to.

"Harvey, you are a good person. At first, I didn't understand what she saw in you apart from medical skills, but now even I like you."

Harvey laughed at his child-like reasoning. "Curtis, really, I respect Rhea a lot. I won't do anything to put her in danger. At first, I just thought she was pretty and nice, so why shouldn't I ask? But since last night, I've realised I don't know anything about her. I want to slowly peel back her layers and see the woman underneath. By then, it will not be too late to mark her."

Curtis nodded in understanding. Most males did not really like their females; they just liked having a mate. So it was understandable if Harvey didn't really know Rhea and was taking another route.

But Curtis liked Rhea a lot. Probably more than he realised. When she gave him the gold bangle as a symbol of their family, his heart didn't know how to respond.

"Come, let us train. You cannot be weak forever."

Harvey was unfortunate enough to be trained by such a brutal feral, but at least he didn't die.


When Rhea woke up, she realised she was alone, apart from the scorpion. It seemed like Harvey had fixed his arm. He was really a nice person. She would not have even let him live.

She took another bath and made breakfast for herself. Then she began to start packing up the spices Harvey had gathered. Black Wind Valley, huh? She wanted to go and see for herself.

"What's your name?" She asked the scorpion. 

"Its Nik." 

"Who is your mother?" 

"I don't know." 

"Why? Did she die? Is that why you are so violent?"

"No! A lot of the time after a female gives birth, they leave." He said as if it was common knowledge. 

"Is that something most women do in this world?"

"No, only for Ferals, because we are violent when we mate, most women do not want to mate with us."

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