[Chapter 30] A leash for the big tiger.

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Winston stood in the clearing, his muscles gleaming in the sun as he directed the capture of the colossals. These massive beasts moved with a thunderous grace, each step shaking the ground. Winston's whip cracked through the air, guiding the creatures into their enclosures with precision and control.

Rhea watched him curiously, like a sly cat watching its prey. She wondered how next to play with him, her mind already swirling with ideas.

Winston spent the afternoon taking care of the colossals, ensuring they were securely enclosed and fed. His movements were fluid, a testament to his strength and skill. By the time the sun began to set, he was covered in dirt and sweat, and he decided it was time to wash up.

He made his way to the nearby river, the cool, flowing water calling to him. As he approached, he heard the gentle splashing of water and paused, his keen eyes catching sight of Rhea.

She was bathing in the river, the water cascading over her smooth skin. She moved gracefully, her hair wet and clinging to her back. Winston's breath caught in his throat, and he quickly stepped behind a tree, not wanting to disturb her.

From his hidden vantage point, he watched her. Her movements were mesmerizing, each one sending ripples through the water as through his soul. Rhea seemed to be in her own world, her eyes closed as she enjoyed the cool embrace of the river.

Winston couldn't help but watch her, her body to him - was perfection. He instantly thought of when he caught her sleeping and his cock reacted immediately.

As she moved, the evening sun cast its light over the scene, making her appear almost ethereal. Winston felt a deep desire as he watched her, torn between the desire to watch her and the need to respect her privacy.

If she knew he was peeking at her like this would she be mad? He didn't want to upset her but he couldn't take his eyes off her body.

Rhea opened her eyes and glanced around, her gaze falling on the spot where Winston was hiding. For a moment, their eyes met, and Winston felt a jolt of electricity run through him. He quickly looked away, hoping she hadn't noticed him.

But Rhea's knowing smile told him otherwise. She had seen him, and she wasn't upset. In fact, there was a glint of amusement in her eyes, as if she had known he would come.

She continued to bathe, her movements slower now, more deliberate. Winston felt his heart race, the tension between them palpable. He knew he should leave, but he couldn't bring himself to move.

Then he heard it, a soft moan coming from her lips.

The sound sent a jolt through Winston's body, his breath catching in his throat. Rhea's eyes were closed again, her head tilted back slightly as she ran her hands through her hair. The moan had been soft, almost inaudible, but it carried a weight that made Winston's blood run hot.

He took a another look, his eyes fixed on her. Rhea's hands moved down her neck and over her shoulders, the water glistening on her skin. She seemed lost in the sensation, her lips parted as another soft moan escaped her.

Winston's heart pounded, his body reacting to the intimate sounds and the sight of her. He wanted to go to her, to feel her skin against his, but he was rooted to the spot, unable to move.

Rhea's eyes fluttered open, and she looked directly at him. There was no surprise in her gaze, only a knowing look that made Winston's pulse quicken. She held his gaze, her lips curving into a seductive smile.

"Come here, Winston," she said softly, her voice like a siren's call.

Winston hesitated for only a moment before he stepped forward, drawn to her like a moth to a flame. The water was cool around his feet as he waded in, his eyes never leaving hers.

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