[Chapter 38] The battle of Ferals

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Jean looked at the woman standing in front of her.


How is she still alive? Why was she still alive? Are the heavens really on her side? Why! Why! Why! She was the one whose face was ruined, she was the one with the dragon mate, how the fuck is she still losing?

Rhea didn't even spare her a second glance as she walked towards the enraged white dragon.

Why did she have such raw strength?


She was supposed to win. She was supposed to win!

Rhea stopped her walk and turned back to see Jean who had fallen to the floor, the poison spreading.

"I don't regret what I did, Jean. I only regret not killing you."

Jean wanted to scream and lunge at her, her life was almost ruined once her beauty was gone. If not for that man who found her and helped her stand on her feet again, she wouldn't even have the chance to fight back.

She was a queen to her tribe, and a queen to the true scorpion king. She used her charms to serve her well and even gave up some of her mates to get that dragon. And yet.

She watched as Rhea approached the dragon, unfazed.

What a joke. Jean felt like a cosmic joke; no matter how she raised the stakes, was she still this inferior?


Rhea felt the weight of Jean's glare even as she faced the dragon. The beast's eyes were filled with rage, its massive body coiled and ready to strike. The air around them crackled with tension, and the ground seemed to vibrate with the dragon's barely contained power.

"Come," Rhea said, her voice steady. She raised her arms, beckoning the dragon forward. "Let's end this."

The dragon roared, its deafening cry shaking the very earth beneath them. It lunged, its claws slicing through the air. Rhea stood her ground, her eyes never leaving the beast. She moved with fluid grace, dodging the dragon's attacks with a speed and precision that seemed almost supernatural.

Rhea darted forward, seizing an opportunity. She leapt onto the dragon's back, her hands gripping the rough scales as she climbed its spine with determined agility. The dragon roared in fury, twisting and turning in an attempt to throw her off, but Rhea held on tightly, her muscles straining.

As she reached the base of the dragon's skull, she paused, feeling the beast's powerful movements beneath her. She took a deep breath, focusing all her strength and energy. With a final, powerful strike, she brought her fists down on the dragon's skull, crushing it with a sickening crunch.

The dragon's roar turned into a pained whimper, its body convulsing as it fell to the ground. Rhea jumped off, landing gracefully as the massive creature collapsed behind her, its life force ebbing away.

Rhea turned her attention back to Jean, who lay on the ground, her body wracked with pain from the poison. The once proud and beautiful woman was now a shell of her former self, her eyes filled with a mix of hatred and despair.

"Why?" Jean whispered, her voice weak. "Why are you still standing? Why won't you fall?"

Rhea looked at her, her expression unreadable. "Because it's me." she said simply. Because she was Rhea, no other reason. 

Jean's eyes filled with tears, her body shaking with sobs. "I wanted to be strong," she whispered. "I wanted to be like you."

Rhea knelt beside her, her hand resting gently on Jean's shoulder. "In your next life, pray you are born as me," she said softly. 

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