[Chapter 29] Handcuffs and Chokers

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Curtis felt her fingers trail across his skin; a shiver ran down his spine, a mix of anticipation and vulnerability coursing through his body. His arms were shackled together behind his back, rendering him unable to move or resist. His gold bangle, which she had given him, was pressed against his back forcing him to arch his back. Transforming back into his human form had left him completely exposed, while she remained fully clothed, a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play. Every ounce of control belonged to her, and it thrilled him to his core.

"Rhea," he gasped, struggling to breathe as the sensation of asphyxiation added to his exhilaration. Each movement she made, each touch, felt magnified in its intensity. Her strength overpowered him, and he was utterly at her mercy.

"Don't make too much noise, ok? Or I'll stop," she warned, her voice a blend of command and seduction.

He nodded eagerly, his desire to please her overriding everything else. She bent down, her lips hovering tantalisingly close to his, before she captured his mouth in a fierce, demanding kiss. The moment she released his neck, he gasped for air, only to have her silence him once more with her mouth, her tongue exploring his with sheer, unfiltered dominance.

Her hands roamed over his body, fingers digging into his flesh with just enough pressure to elicit a low groan from him. She relished the way his muscles tensed and relaxed under her touch, his submission evident in every fibre of his being. Her nails raked across his chest, leaving a trail of red marks that made him hiss in a mix of pain and pleasure.

She pulled back slightly, her eyes locking onto his with an intensity that made his heart race. "You like this, don't you?" she whispered, her breath hot against his ear. "Being completely at my mercy."

"Yes, Rhea" he breathed, his voice barely more than a whisper.

She grabbed his neck pushing him down forcefully, he winced in pain.

"Yes, my Queen." She repeated correcting him.

"Yes, my Queen."

A slow, satisfied smile spread across her face as she took in his response. "Good," she murmured, her hands travelling lower, teasingly brushing against his inner thighs. "Because I'm not done with you yet." He was hard as a rock, both cocks pushing against her ass which amused her greatly, she really wanted to see a whip mark against his pretty skin, she wanted to see bruises on his neck and wrists. She needed to see him want her more than anything in the world.

Curtis's body trembled with anticipation, every nerve ending on high alert as she continued her exploration. She was deliberate, calculated in her movements, ensuring that he was acutely aware of her control. Her fingers grazed the sensitive skin just above his groin, making him gasp and arch toward her touch, seeking more.

"Stay still," she commanded softly, and he forced himself to comply, every muscle straining with the effort to remain motionless.

She traced patterns across his skin, her touch both soothing and tormenting in its slowness. The pleasure built within him, a mounting pressure that left him breathless and yearning for release. But he knew she wouldn't give it to him easily. She wanted him on the edge, desperate and pliant under her hands.

"Do you trust me, Curtis?" she asked, her voice a seductive purr.

"Completely," he replied without hesitation, his eyes meeting hers with unwavering trust.

"Good," she said again, her hand finally wrapping around his cock, her grip firm and commanding. She stroked him with a rhythm that was maddeningly slow, each movement calculated to bring him closer to the brink without pushing him over.

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