[Chapter 25] In another world, you would have been mine alone

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The sun hung high in the azure sky, casting its warm rays over the pristine beach. The gentle waves lapped against the shore, the air was filled with the sound of laughter and the distant call of seagulls.

Rhea stood at the water's edge, the cool waves washing over her feet. Her dress fluttered gently in the breeze, and she wore a wide-brimmed hat to shield her eyes from the sun.

Take a deep breath.

She took a deep breath, trying to clear the stuffy feeling in her chest that didn't want to go away.


She watched as Harley, her energetic little girl, splashed around in the shallow waters with boundless enthusiasm.

Harley's laughter was infectious, her blonde hair glistening in the sunlight. She wore a cute little swim dress that Curtis had made especially for her, adorned with seashell patterns that matched the beach perfectly. Curtis, ever the doting father, was right beside her, making sure she stayed safe while having the time of her life.

Rhea joined them in the cold water, laughing as she picked up the little girl. Her hat covering her vision of the girls face. Harley squealed in delight as she was lifted up effortlessly. She was swung up and caught by Rhea, who then took her out of the sea since it was getting too cold.

Korrin was in charge of the food, he had set up a fire and was getting lunch ready, Nik was sunbathing uninterested in whatever else was happening, he planned to thoroughly enjoy his day off.

Winston came up to Rhea covering Harley with a towel so she wouldn't get chilly and then putting one on Rhea.

"Thank you Winston." She said softly, before drying the little girl and going where the straw mat had been set up.

"Are you guys sick of the ice water yet?" Nik asked looking at them. "It's so cold there."

"You're just scared daddy." Harley said laughing at Nik's extreme cold aversion.

"Harley, daddy is hurt." He feigned heartbreak and Harley fell for it.

Rhea let her go to him and she found her towel being lifted and placed on her head to dry her hair.

"You should also stay warm, you can't catch a cold."

"Ah, thank you Curtis."

"I'll go keep an eye out." Winston said going on security duty, Rhea knew Curtis felt a bit uncomfortable and so did Winston. They hadn't done anything because she was still conscious of Curtis. He was unhappy.

"I want to go find coconuts."

"What are coconuts?" Curtis asked after drying her off.

"Well, it's a hairy hard ball that grows on trees, you should come with me, you can climb better than I can."

"Alright." Curtis said as he braided her hair down in on elarge braid. "There, we can do now."

She reached back to touch her hair, he was always the best at doing her hair.

They both of them set off into the forest again.

As they walked into the dense forest, the sounds of the waves grew fainter, replaced by the rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Rhea led the way, her steps light and eager, while Curtis followed closely behind, his eyes ever-watchful for any signs of danger.

Rhea glanced back at Curtis, her heart warmed by his presence. "Thank you for coming with me. It's been a while since we had some time alone."

Curtis smiled, his eyes softening as he looked at her. "I'm glad to be with you, Rhea. You know I'll always be here for you."

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