[Chapter 31] The Issue of salt and an expedition

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The grand hall was filled with tension as the Beast Kings gathered for a crucial meeting. Korrin, Nik, the Leopard King, the new Wolf King, and Winston all took their seats around the large, ornate table. The air was thick with anticipation, each king aware of the pressing issues at hand. Rhea, seated at the head of the table, looked calm but her eyes held a look of deep irritation.

Leo stood at the side, his expression serious as he prepared to present the latest report. "We've encountered a significant issue," he began, looking around at the assembled kings. "We're experiencing a drastic shortage of salt. None of the villages are willing to sell to us."

Rhea's eyebrows furrowed. "Why? Are we on some sort of blacklist?"

Leo nodded. "Yes. The mermen have put us on a blacklist. The mermaid princess returned and as you expected, they've cut off our supply."

Rhea's fingers drummed on the table as she mulled over this information. "Does this mean we're going to war?" she asked, her voice low and measured.

Leo shook his head. "We could probably make our own salt, but I'll have to ask Bai Qingqing first about the specifics."

Rhea's expression darkened. "The mermen had the audacity to do this. To cut off our resources."

Leo sighed, trying to remain diplomatic. "Rhea, be realistic. You can't fight a war under the sea. We need to figure out a practical solution. A war right now as winter is coming closer doesn't make sense."

Rhea took a deep breath, her frustration evident. "Fine. Figure it out with Bai Qingqing. How are we going to get saltwater for this plan?"

Leo pondered for a moment. "We could build a pump system to an underground reservoir near the beach. It's possible, but I'm worried about sabotage by the mermen."

Rhea's eyes narrowed. "Should I just kill Jean?"

The Leopard King, who had been quietly listening, finally spoke up. "Killing Jean will make things worse unless you promise the mermen a new Queen. A Queen that can give birth to females more than just once in a lifetime."

Rhea's fingers tapped rhythmically on the table as she thought about this. A female who could give birth to multiple females. She considered the idea of offering them a beastwoman but was concerned about her survival.

"We need someone who can stand their own," she said finally. "Someone strong and resilient."

Korrin leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with an idea. "We could train one of our own. Someone from the tribe who can handle the mermen and earn their respect. But you know of the current birthrate so it might be better to train a nonferal."

Ferals reputation is women Is well known, and even though they could live alongside ferlas it was rare to see a female who would couple with a feral. But a feral woman, if she could find a woman like that, she would be preferred.

The new Wolf King nodded in agreement. "A female warrior who can prove their worth to the mermen. It's a long shot, but it might work."

Rhea considered their suggestions. "Alright. We'll start identifying potential candidates. In the meantime, Leo, work with Bai Qingqing on the salt production. And ensure the pump system is designed to withstand sabotage for as long as possible."

Leo nodded, taking notes. "Understood."

Winston, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "Rhea, we need to be strategic about this. Any candidate we choose must be ready for the challenges they'll face underwater. It's not just about strength, but also adaptability. A female snake is the best option."

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