[Chapter 33] Cheese in a trap

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As they journeyed through the scorching desert, the sun beat down relentlessly, the heat almost unbearable. Winston moved as steady as possible, ensuring Rhea remained balanced on his back.

"How are you holding up, Rhea?" Winston asked, his deep voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine," Rhea replied, though her voice was strained. "Just a little hot." As much as she could stand the heat, this was unbearable for her. 

Winston's eyes flicked back to her, worry etched on his face. "We need to find shade and water soon. I don't want you to get heatstroke." He had traversed the desert before so this much didn't phase him, she was, however, only human, defenceless against nature. 

They continued through the desert, the sand shifting beneath their feet. Every so often, Winston would stop to check on Rhea, making sure she was still alive. They found a small oasis and took refuge under the shade of a lone palm tree.

Rhea sighed with relief as she took a sip of water. "This journey is harder than I expected."

Winston lay down beside her, his eyes soft with empathy. "We'll get to flame city soon, and we'll be able to find shade."

She smiled weakly, appreciating his unwavering support. "Thank you, Winston. I am quite useless right now; it's pathetic, isn't it?"

"Well, you are just like other females Rhea, it's my job to take care of you." 

She smiled at his words, however true they were. They comforted her a little, but she still didn't want to be such a burden. 

As the sun began to set, they set up a small camp. Winston gathered some dry branches and started a fire, the flames flickering in the twilight to keep Rhea warm. Rhea leaned against him, feeling the warmth of his fur.

"Winston, can you tell me a story?" Rhea asked softly, her eyes fixed on the dancing flames.

Winston sighed, his breath stirring her hair. "I don't think I'm very good at that." He said nervously. She chuckled, enjoying his warmth.

"Neither was he." She muttered feeling fatigued. 

"Well I can tell you about my missions if you want?" He said hoping he didn't upset her. 

"That would be nice."

The night was long and the desert cold, but Winston kept Rhea warm, his body a shield against the chill. 

As dawn broke, they continued their journey, the desert stretching out endlessly before them. The sun rose higher, the heat became oppressive once again. 

They pressed on, the landscape barren and unforgiving. Each step felt heavier than the last, the heat pounding down on them like a relentless hammer. Rhea's vision blurred, and she lost control momentarily, nearly falling.

Winston immediately caught her, his strong arms steadying her. "Rhea, you need to rest. This heat is too much."

Rhea shook her head weakly. "We can't stop now, Winston. We have to keep going." The faster they got to that place, the faster this problem would end and the faster she could go home. 

Winston's face was etched with worry, but he knew better than to argue with her. He carefully lifted her onto his back again, his muscles straining as he carried her through the shifting sands.

They found another small oasis as the sun reached its zenith, the shade providing a temporary respite from the merciless heat. Winston gently laid Rhea down under the shade of a palm tree and knelt beside her, fanning her with a piece of cloth.

"Drink some water, Rhea," he urged, holding the canteen to her lips.

She took a few sips, her throat dry and parched. "Thank you, Winston. I'm sorry I'm slowing us down."

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