[Chapter 36] In every universe

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The beautiful palace gardens stretched out like an oasis of lush green lawns, meticulously manicured with vibrant flowers in a beautiful shade of blue. Majestic trees offered dappled shade, their leaves rustling softly in the gentle breeze. Stone pathways meandered through the gardens, leading to secluded nooks and grand fountains that sparkled in the sunlight. The scent of jasmine and roses filled the air, mingling with the aroma of the rich, dark soil after the fresh rain.

Amid this serene beauty, a young girl cried bitterly over the corpse of her dog. The lifeless body lay crumpled on the ground, its neck grotesquely twisted, clearly broken. The girl's sobs echoed through the gardens, a heart-breaking contrast to the peaceful surroundings. Her small frame shook with each tear, her hands clutching the soft fur of her beloved pet, now cold and still.

In stark contrast, a boy stood in front of her, his eyes glinting coldly as he watched her cry. His expression was devoid of sympathy, his gaze hard and unyielding with blood-stained hands, clenched in a fist. 

"Get up, stop crying," he commanded, his voice harsh and unfeeling. "A dog that has bitten you cannot be kept!" He took a step closer, the blood on his hands stark against the vibrant greenery of the garden. "Get up!"

The girl looked up at him through tear-filled eyes.


Rhea's muscles screamed for action; they wanted her to move, to fight. But all Rhea could think about was the stone in Mi Qi'er's hand. Winston struggled to stand beside her, his eyes filled with pain.

Mi Qi'er's sneer was infuriatingly calm. "Come on, Rhea. Show me what you're truly capable of," he taunted, his voice dripping with arrogance.

Rhea's eyes burned with anger. She launched herself at him with blinding speed. Their clash immediate and fierce, each blow resonating with the force of their power. Rhea moved with crazy proficiency that suited her role as a child soldier, fuelled by her rage. Her strikes precise and deadly aiming for vital points only, no movement was wasted. But Mi Qi'er was a formidable opponent, his defences were nearly impenetrable. His skin felt like hitting metal, his muscles were steel, his joints were welded together, refusing to give way to any attack. 

Rhea tried to move away from Winston, her eyes darting to him occasionally to make sure he was ok. As they fought, Winston tried to assist, but his injuries slowed him down. Rhea saw Mi Qi'er's eyes flicker toward Winston, a cruel smile playing on his lips.

"You care for this one, don't you?" Mi Qi'er said mockingly. "Let's see how well you fight when you're distracted."

With a swift, calculated move, Mi Qi'er struck at Winston. Rhea's heart lurched, and she threw herself between them, taking the blow meant for Winston. Pain exploded through her side, but she gritted her teeth, refusing to falter and grounding her feet to the floor. 

"Rhea!" Winston's voice was desperate, his eyes wide with fear and guilt. Why was she protecting him? He should be the one protecting her! Yet here she was, gritting her teeth in pain. 

Mi Qi'er's smile widened, satisfied with her reaction. "Why do you do this to yourself, Rhea? Why shackle yourself to these weaklings?" He stood back looking at her pained expression as if admiring his art. "Everything you get a bit of freedom, you walk right into new shackles, this time you formed a family? A city? How hilarious!" He laughed at her face. 

Rhea struggled to stand, blood trickling from the wound on her side. "Don't fucking dare," she said, her voice strained but resolute. "They are mine, they aren't something you can touch!" 

Mi Qi'er's expression twisted with rage. "You think they can love you like I do? You're a fool, Rhea." He grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "I am the only one who can ever possibly love you. " 

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