[Chapter 23] The Big Tiger Is guilty

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Tw: CNC - skip if uncomfortable, you're not missing anything.

Dali stepped into the sunlit courtyard, her eyes widening at the beautiful surroundings. The room was just gorgeous, bathed in the golden light of the afternoon sun that streamed through the arched windows. Plush couches, draped in rich, colourful fabrics, were arranged in a cosy seating area around a low table. Cushions in shades of red, gold, and green were dotted around, with a beautiful view of the village below completing the picturesque scene.

Rhea sat comfortably on one of the couches, a soft smile on her face as she welcomed Dali. "Isn't it lovely here?" she said, her voice filled with contentment. "It's my favourite place to have lunch."

Harley and the wolf puppies were in the corner, the pups playfully chasing after Harley as she giggled and squealed with delight. Curtis and Nobel stood nearby, keeping a watchful eye on the playful group. The lush greenery and potted plants around them created a feeling of being in a secluded garden, despite being indoors.

"Dali, it's been forever," Rhea said, patting the seat next to her. "Come, sit with me."

Dali took a seat beside Rhea, her eyes still taking in the beautiful surroundings. "This place is incredible, Rhea. It's like something out of a dream."

Rhea nodded, her eyes twinkling. "Leo outdid himself. I really wonder what I'd do without him."

Dali pouted playfully. "Leo this, Leo that. You talk as if he's your favourite."

"Of course not, Dali; you will always be my favourite," Rhea said with a laugh, giving her friend a gentle nudge.

As they chatted, Harley continued her antics with the wolf puppies, her laughter ringing through the air. She climbed onto one of the larger pups, pretending to ride it like a horse. "Go horsey!" she urged, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Curtis sighed. "Harley, be careful with the pups. They're not as strong as you think."

Harley pouted but nodded, sliding off the pup and giving it a gentle pat. "Sorry, pup."

Rhea turned to Dali, her curiosity piqued. "So, what's the latest news? Any interesting gossip?" Dali had more friends than Rhea, so she often had all the tea.

Dali laughed softly, taking a sip of her tea. "Oh, you know how it is. There's always something going on."

Now Rhea was invested. "What happened? Come on, you can't keep me in suspense!"

"So I heard recently from a merchant that there is a peacock tribe nearby."

Rhea nodded, she was well aware of the peacock tribe.

"Well, apparently, a girl with a disfigured face wandered to the tribe looking for the sea," Dali continued.

"No way, Jane?"

Dali nodded. "Jane claimed to be a mermaid female."

"Wow, no wonder she was so beautiful."

"You know mermaid females only give birth to a girl at the end of their lifespan, so they only have one mermaid at a time."

Rhea paused, thinking. "If she gets back to them, does this mean war with the mermaid tribe?"

"Unlikely. They can't just walk on land, you know."

"I do want to see the mermaid tribe before Jane gets to them," Rhea said with a sigh. "I hear the men are very beautiful."

"Well, I also heard something interesting. There's been production of something new, I don't know if you've heard of it. It was called a handcuff? Only the King's females know about it, I thought you'd already know." 

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