[Chapter 20] I love you

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Winston looked up confused. That was Curtis, his roar was undeniable. He left everything he was doing and rushed to the Ape King's city, his heart pounding with urgency. The ape king frowned upon hearing that roar, his expression darkening with concern.

"Was that a threat?" he muttered under his breath, looking around at his court.

Moments later, the wolf king rushed in, his face pale with fear. "We made a grave error!" he exclaimed, barely able to catch his breath.

The tiger king arrived quickly, his face a mask of irritation and worry. "What happened?" he demanded, his voice echoing in the chamber.

The wolf king took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. "Rosa tried to kill Bai Qingqing, and she implicated the wrong person!"

The tiger king's face turned dark with anger. "Even still, we should be able to cover it up. What is the issue?"

"That person's mate is a four-marked beast!" the wolf king revealed, his voice trembling.

"I am also a four-marked beast, and so is Winston. We have nothing to fear," the tiger king said confidently. "What could a mere female do?"

"Are you stupid?" The leopard king finally arrived, his mood foul. "Ape king, you need to find the antidote to whatever poison you gave that girl."

The ape king was shocked, how did he know? "What antidote? Rosa did this of her own volition. You should ask her."

"I have." The leopard king's voice was cold as Rosa's body was thrown into the room by his guards. She was tied up and looked terrified.

"You better spit it out, or we will all die here," the leopard king warned.

The ape king scoffed. "A little female is not enough to kill me."

The leopard king's face was dark, but he didn't need to say anything more because, at that moment, Rhea was dropped off by Muir right outside their window.

"Well, it's a shame we have to meet under these circumstances," Rhea said, her voice icy. "But you have something I want. Give me the antidote."

The kings looked at her, then at the ape king.

"Female, we won't hurt you, but this isn't a game," the wolf king began.

"I'm not playing with you imbeciles. Give me the antidote," Rhea demanded, her confidence shocking to say the least.

Seeing no one move, she decided to act. "Suit yourself."

She ran into the room, stunning the confused kings enough for her to reach out for Rosa, dragging her by the ankle. Rosa screamed and cursed, but Rhea didn't care; she snapped the girl's legs immediately, causing her to scream in agony.

The tiger king was furious. That was his precious daughter, and some female dared to do something like this. The leopard king crossed his arms and stood to the side, watching with indifference.

The others watched in horror as Rhea grabbed the tiger king by the head and split his body in half, tearing it apart with ease.

That was when the ape king knew he was fucked.

"I will not ask again," Rhea's voice was low and clear. "Where is the antidote?"

The ape king collapsed to the floor, his body shaking. Who was this woman? Where was she from? This entire time, there was someone this powerful in Beast City?

"No? Then come here and die," Rhea continued, her tone deadly.

"Wait! If you spare me, I know where it is," the ape king said shakily.

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