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You may be quite confused right now and that's exactly why I'm here, writing this. I'll use this chance to introduce myself and answer some the questions you most likely have!

What's this "book" all about?

Well, it's pretty much a compilation of my writings, carefully organized into chapters. You'll find writings of the most common types of texts you'll be asked to write in exams such as Informal Letters (Emails), Formal Articles, Reviews, Reports and Essays.

Who am I and why should you even trust me?

I'm simply a high-school student. (Well, technically, not anymore since I've  *just* graduated). Just like many of you, I've had to sit certain language exams such as the FCE exam and the English as a Second Language IGCSE exam since I'm not a native speaker. So, no, I'm not a teacher and I do not have a degree as of right now. However, I've spent too many years studying English in a formal setting, sitting in a classroom, surrounded by my classmates who also had to pay hundreds in order to have some half-assed notes given to them, have their essays corrected and also be given piles of past papers, which we were all tired of. Was it worth it? Yes. I guess? Some of it may have been a bit excessive and unnecessary, though and this brings me to my next point. 

Why am I even doing this?

Accessibility. That's basically it. I want to spare you the time and money. 

I personally feel like I wasted my time sitting in a classroom, having my teacher explain the basic structure of a formal article to the class for (literally) the 100th time because some of my classmates may not have cared enough to pay attention in class. I'd like to believe that if you ended up here, right now, reading this very paragraph, you probably have enough braincells and will to process the information in the following chapters. It's not rocket science. (I'd have failed if it were...) 

Long story short, I wanted to make all of this more accessible to people like you, the people that will use my notes to their advantage, the goal-oriented people that do not really need to pay hundreds in order to be walked-through every little step, those that have actual will to pass their exams but may not be able to afford those (rather useless at times) courses that are oftentimes prolonged (because they're lowkey a cash-grab). Education should be free and easily accessible, right?

Who is this for?

While my "book" primarily caters to students preparing for the FCE (First Certificate in English), English as a Foreign Language IGCSE or IELTS exams, I encourage everyone to give my it a chance! You may find something unexpectedly helpful that applies to your own situation. You never know!

What other resources do you have for students learning English?

I've also "published" a "book" of notes for each of the types of texts in here. I'd genuinely recommend you to check them out, preferably *before* reading this "book".

I'd genuinely appreciate any feedback or (constructive) criticism!

Best of luck on your learning journey!

English as a Second Language: Sample Writing TasksWhere stories live. Discover now