Requested Story: Inspector Chef(2)

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Parisa's POV

Giada and I made it to the restaurant first for the meeting. We were still early by 30 minutes so we waited in the car.

"Did you ever decide to call that guy back?" She asked me. I shake my head.

"No, not yet. I might later on because I was trying to think last night about what they could possibly need me for. I don't think I have any enemies that I should be worried about."

"What about ex-boyfriends?" I scoffed at her.

"Please. I work 40 hours a week, sometimes more. I do not have time to be dating around," I say. She nods.

"I feel that. But, what if this was a little scheme he put together to get close to you?" I raise an eyebrow at her. "No, listen. Hear me out. So, he comes into the restaurant, right? He walks by the kitchen and sees you, doing your thing and just wants to get to know all your glory." I couldn't help it, I burst into laughter.

"Girl, you and your fantasy novels! Look, that does not happen in real life." She raised her eyebrow at me.

"Oh, really? Well, why don't you give that guy a call and see what he wants if this is such a fantasy?" 

"You know what? Fine, I will." I took out the guy's card and dialed the number. We still had time before the meeting so I can get this done quickly.

"Lucian Grier, PI. How can I help you?" His voice was deeper over the phone and I kind of dig that.

"Mr. Grier? It's Parisa Michaels."

"Ah, Miss Michaels. I was hoping to hear from you. What can I do for you?"

"Well, since you were so interested in talking with me last night, I thought I would give you some of my time today and meet with you." He chuckled lowly on the phone and that did something to my insides. Don't ask me what.

"How considerate of you, Miss Michaels. Well, let's not waste any time. Why don't you meet me in my office today at 11 am? I'll text you the address."

"Perfect. I will see you then."

"I look forward to it." He hangs up the phone and Giada is staring at me in wonder.

"So? Has he invited you over for a nice, romantic dinner?" I rolled my eyes at her.

"Shut up. Let's get this meeting done with."


After the meeting, I got the text from Mr. Grier and after I dropped off Giada off at home, I made my way to his office. I mean, it looked like that stereotypical private investigator's office building. I sighed and walked into the building. It wasn't anything special and there was no one out front to talk to. Okay, is this a fucking joke? I have better things to do with my time than stand around here. I groan and take out my phone, calling Lucian again.

"Hello, Miss Michaels."

"Hey, I'm here at your office building and it looks deserted. If this is some kind of prank or something, I am leaving. Now, where the hell am I supposed to go?"

"Whoa, hey. It's not a prank. I was waiting for you to call. Walk down the hallway and type in 1029 on the panel to the left. It'll open a passage that will lead you down to the real office. I'll see you soon." He hung up on me before I could even say anything. I scoffed but followed his instructions. I walked down the creepy ass hallway and looked to my left, seeing the keypad. I typed in the code and a secret door was revealed. It opened and it was very futuristic and cool. I took hesitant steps into the door and when I walked in further, the door closed behind me. Well, there's no going back now. 

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