2- The training

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Tim showed her how to set up the shop. He was indeed shouting at her the whole time. Then they got in the shop. Sara just kept quiet like Lucy advised her too. That made Tim a little suspicious. 'You're quiet.' Tim stated. 'Sorry sir, it just looked like you wanted me to be quiet, but I can talk if you want me to.' Sara responded with a smile. 'NO, it's fine.' He responded annoyed, so the awkward silence continued. 'Why did you decide to become a cop?' He asked, not even 20 seconds later. He couldn't bear the silence any longer, and needed some distraction from his mind. He drove into a new street, and the first thing Sara did was look at the street sign. 'Well, I want to help people.' 'Yes, but what's your motivation to become a good cop? If you want me to train you, I need to know why you're here.' Tim pushed.

She took a breath. 'Well, when I was younger I repeatedly wa...' Sara started, but Tim slammed the brakes. 'I've been shot! where are we boot!' He shouted, executing his first Tim Test, like always. Sara was a little held back, but because of Lucy's warning she knew what to do. 'Ehh, We're on melrose Street. The closest hospital is two minutes away, Shawn memorial.' She quickly said. That annoyed Tim even more, and he started driving again without saying a word. Sara felt proud, but kept quiet. 'You talked to Lucy, didn't you?' He asked eventually, already knowing the answer. Sara thought about her answer, but concluded that it might be better not to lie to her TO on her first day. 'Yes, she was very nice. I don't see why you broke up with her.' Sara accidentally blurred out. Tim looked at her with wide eyes, not expecting her to bring that up. 'But who am I to judge you about that? I don't even know the whole story.' She added, knowing what she had said was not going to win her any good points. Tim looked back at the road. She wanted to let the subject go, but Tim saw the time to get some answers to the questions he had stuck in his mind for weeks now.

'She told you about us?' He asked. 'Well, no. Celina told me, but I don't think I was supposed to know that. She looked pretty pissed about it.' She explained, and Tim nodded. 'Did she tell you anything else about me?' He pushed. 'Only the things you do to your rookie's.' Tim couldn't help but grin. 'That little...' He swallowed his words. He didn't want to finish that sentence, he couldn't. '7-Adam-19, 211 two blocks from your location.' The voice came from the radio. Tim looked at Sara, and she answered. '7-Adam-19, show us responding.'

Next part: October 12th 2024

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