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The late autumn wind was cold against Sara's face. She was wearing a casual, but nice looking outfit underneath her long jacket. It was a pair of blue skinny jeans and a expensive looking, red wine colored blouse. She was wearing more makeup than normal and it felt strange, but at least she felt pretty. She was walking the last block to the restaurant where she was expected to be. She had a date tonight. She had met this guy on a dating website on the internet. They matched, talked a little back and forth and now he had asked her out on a date. Sadly, her car broke down yesterday, so she had to take the bus. As she walked into the restaurant, she looked around to find him. There, in the back. He was sitting there with two glasses of red wine and an empty seat in front of him. He smiled at her and she smiled back. As she came closer to the table, he stood up. He stuck out his hand and she took it. 'Hi, I'm Kai, nice to finally meet you.' He said, his face matching his words. 'Sara, but you already knew that.' Sara joked. He laughed and then helped her sit down. He hung her jacket over her chair and sat down too.

"What a gentleman and so handsome. I love him already."

Sara thought. 'I ordered a merlot wine, I hope you like that.' Sara smiled. 'That's amazing, thank you.' She answered. She took a sip and nodded approving. 'So, I know we have been talking a little back and forth, but tell me a little about yourself.' Sara asked. 'Well, I was born on June 13 1991 in Detroit, Michigan. I lived there until I was about 14 and then I moved here, to LA.' He explained. 'Really, I've never been there before. Is it very different from LA?' 'Oh, very different. Detroit has about half a million inhabitants and the weather is also different. It can get pretty cold in the winter and it rains a lot more than here. In Detroit you have that thing called snow, It's amazing.' He joked and we both laughed. 'That's nice. I've seen snow a couple times on vacation, but I don't think I've ever seen it snow in LA. It's too hot for that.' Sara couldn't stop looking at his beautiful smile. The little wrinkles he would get on his cheeks looked so nice. His eyes were sparkling chocolate brown and fit well with his Brown hair.

'How about you? What do you do for living?' He asked Sara and she snapped back to reality. 'Right now, I'm a nanny. I'm taking a gap year from school to earn some money, but I'd have no idea what I want to do later in life. I'm thinking of doing something medical, but I don't know yet. You?' 'A couple years ago I was engineering, but that wasn't for me, so last year I made the switch to being an accountant. It's a lot of paperwork, but at least my colleagues are nice and it pays well.' He explained.

A waiter brought over the menus and they started looking through them. They laughed and talked as the night went on. Together, they drank a whole bottle of wine, while having the best time. Sara ordered a steak and Kai the ravioli. As dessert, they both ordered a coffee with vanilla ice cream. It was delicious. Kai paid and as they stood up, Sara noticed how she couldn't stop staring at him. She pulled her gaze off him with difficulty.

'I had a really fun evening.' He said as he helped her with her jacket. 'I had a good time too.' Sara responded. 'That's good... Would you like to continue and come with me tonight?' He asked in a tempting voice. Sara smiled a little uneasy. She wasn't the one that did one night stands, especially on the first date. She needed time to think. To really fall in love, more than she already was. 'I really appreciate that, but I have work tomorrow and I need to be up early. Plus, I don't have a car, so I-' Kai interrupted her. 'Don't worry, I get it. First date is a little early for that, right?' He said and Sara smiled. She didn't like rejecting people, especially if they were so nice and she liked them too, but she had rules with herself and they had their reasons, so she lied. She didn't have to work tomorrow, because tomorrow was Saturday, but Kai didn't know that.

'You said, you didn't have a car?' He repeated. 'Yea, it died on me yesterday. It's at the mechanic right now, so I can pick it up tomorrow evening.' She explained. 'Then, how didn't you get there? By bus?' He answered his own question, so Sara just nodded. 'Oh, no. I'm giving you a ride home. It's already late and I don't want you to get bothered by some stoned junky.' Kai waved with his hand, letting her know to follow him. Sara walked after him, but in her mind she hesitated. After a moment she decided he was right and she didn't live that far away. They got in his car. It was a nice one. Not very expensive, but nice.

'Where do you live?' He asked. Sara gave him an address close to her apartment. She didn't want to give him his actual address just yet. She didn't want him coming to her house randomly. Kai typed it into the GPS and started driving. They were talking, so she didn't immediately notice where he was driving, until they reached a freeway. This wasn't the way to her house. This wasn't the way at all.

She panicked a little. 'Where are we going? This isn't the right direction.' She asked. She looked at him, but he stared ahead. 'I'm sorry, where are we going?' She asked again. 'Listen, I like you.' He started, still not looking at her. 'You're cute, but you need to listen to me.' Sara started to panic even more. The sweetness in his voice was gone and he sounded cold. 'I have a gun next to me, so if you even try something, you're dead. If you even reach for your Phone, You're dead. If you say something wrong, you're dead. Understood?' He commanded. It took Sara a second to answer. She tried to swallow away her fear, but it felt like swallowing a rock and it didn't work.

Sara noticed that he only had one hand on the steering wheel and the other someplace she couldn't see. 'I want you to take your phone out of your purse and put it on the backseat.' He continued. With trembling hands, she did what he asked. As she did this, Kai took an exit to a part of the city she didn't recognise. 'Good girl.'

When the animals in the zoo feel overwhelmed or scared, they eighter hide away or fight. I couldn't hide. I was in a car, but I couldn't fight eighter. Had a gun. I knew because I saw it when we got out of the car and into his house. The fear made my sweaty body feel stone cold. That coldness made me feel like my flesh was on fire. And that burning feeling made me scared. It was an unending circle and it messed with my head. My head was searching for a way out or even a hint of a solution, but it stayed empty. I saw flashes of the house in front of my eyes. I was trying to stay alert, but I was spinning out. How much do I own this world? Haven't I given enough?

Next part: November 30th 2024

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