12- Waiting

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Celina and Grey were still sitting in the waiting room. It was very quiet. Both didn't know what to talk about. With every second that passed, Celina felt her hope sink deeper and deeper. She wanted to know what was happening. A thousand questions were racing through her mind. Some were hopeful, but most of them were not. John and Tim came through the door. 'Any news yet?' Tim asked, his voice worried, but trying to stay hopeful. 'No, she's still in surgery. Come sit, it might take a while.' Grey answered. John sat down next to Grey, but Tim hesitated. Celina and Grey looked at him and then at each other. He looked around, but after he saw that there was nothing else for him to do, he gave in and sat down next to John. 'Where is Lucy?' He asked, worried something had happened to her too. 'She's with Jess, just keeping her comfortable 'til her parents arrive.' Celina said, her voice sounding numb. Tim nodded, but then it got quiet. Everyone was worried and had no idea what to say. The silence made Celina even more nervous. With every nurse that walked by, her body filled up with hope, but that disappeared when she noticed they didn't come for them. It was tiring.

After a while, Lucy walked into the waiting room. She got a little held back when she saw that Tim was sitting there as well. 'Any news?' She asked, trying to be hopeful, but she already knew the answer. She sat down on a chair in front of Celina, as far away from Tim as possible. 'No, nothing. How's Jess?' Celina responded. She sounded hopeless. 'She's alright. She's processing everything on a very slow space, because of her lack of sleep, but she's alright now. Her parents just arrived and I think it would already help if she sleeps a little.' Lucy explained. 'That's good, that's good.' Grey said. Lucy stared at Celina who looked numb. The light behind her eyes was turned off and she was white as a ghost. It was understandable, but it still hurt Lucy to see. 'Celina, can I talk to you?' She asked. Celina nodded and they both stood up and walked out of the room, leaving the others alone in the waiting room.

'How are you doing? I know this isn't easy.' Lucy asked, her voice soft and caring as they wandered the halls. The hospital had enough of those, so they could go wherever they wanted. Celina tried her best to stay strong. 'I'm okay. Just worried.' Was her response, but Lucy could see right through it. Lucy stopped her by putting her hand on her shoulder. 'Celin, talk to me. You're allowed to be not okay from time to time.' She tried to hold eye contact with her, but Celina looked away. 'It's just... This morning, everything was still perfect and now she's fighting for her life. I need her Luce, I have only known her for a week and she's already the most important person in my life.' Her voice was slowly breaking apart, but she managed to keep the tears below the surface. 'I know, but she'll make it through. She's strong and she needs you too.' Lucy soothed her. Celina smiled faintly. A tear rolled out of the corner of her eyes, so she quickly whipped it away. Lucy gave her friend a hug. 'She'll be alright.' Lucy whispered in her ear. After a couple seconds they let each other go again. 'Thank you.' 'Yeah, now go splash some water in your face or something.' Lucy smiled. Celina stared in Lucy's eyes. They always looked so positive and full of hope, but Celina knew better. Lucy and Sara were good friends too and it would break Lucy's heart too if she died. Celina nodded before walking off to the bathroom.

Lucy went back into the waiting room. 'Where is Celina?' Grey asked, worried. He was not really acting like their boss, but more like their dad right now. He was always so caring in such situations. 'She went to the restroom. She'll be back.' Lucy smiles slightly. After a couple of minutes Celina came back. She smiled faintly at the others by only pulling the corners of her mouth a little up. It was so small that it was barely noticeable. She just sat down next to Lucy without saying a word. They sat there for a while, until a nurse walked in. She had some papers in her hands and she looked around the room. Family of Sarafina Braun?' She asked. Grey and the others stood up 'Yes, that's us. Is she alright?' He asked, nervously. Lucy put her hand on Celina's back for support as the nurse told them the news.

Next part: November 2nd 2024

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