3- Drinks

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Sara's first shift went great. She annoyed Tim a lot, and she passed all her Tim Tests. During Lunch, she ate with Celina, and Lucy at the food trucks and they had a blast. She didn't have a lot of big calls, but for a first shift, it was pretty hard. The whole day she had felt like she had to walk on her toes, scared that if she didn't TIm would shout at her again. Of course, that wasn't necessary, because he yelled at her regardless.

'Aren't you going to shower?' Celina asked as she and Lucy walked up to Sara. They all had their locker in the same row and were changing to go home. 'Oh, no I'm going to shower at home.' Sara responded, putting on her regular sweater. 'No, we want to celebrate your first shift. How about we go out to a bar, and get drunk?' Lucy suggested with a smile that reached both her ears. 'Okay, yes. I'm down. With one are we going?' Sara asked, glad she was at least making some friends. 'I'll send you the address?' Celina said. 'Okay, I'll be there at 8. Will that work?' 'That's perfect, see you then?' Lucy waved at her and she and Celina walked to her car to get home and change. They always rode together since they lived together.

They all went home, changed to a better outfit and went to Neill's. Lucy, Celina and the others often went to this bar and were well known there. Lucy was especially well known, because that was the bar she was once abducted from. She had a history there and since that day the bartenders always kept an extra eye on her. Normally Lucy hated special treatment, but the way they did it was actually kind of sweet. 'Hé, my two favourite officers. What can I get started for you?' The bartender asked. 'Hi, Kai. Can we have two tequila's please and what do you think Sara would like?' Lucy asked first the bartender and then Celina. 'Make those three tequila's. I'm sure she'll like that, and if not, I'll drink it.' Celina responded. Lucy grinned. 'Three tequila's coming up.' Kai said. Celina, and Lucy sat down at two stools, and waited for Sara.

'Hi, guys.' A sweet sounding voice said behind them. Lucy, and Celina turned around and saw Sara. 'Hé, it's good to see you.' Celina answered as Sara sat down on the stool next to her. 'Who is the new girl? Roomie or Rookie?' Kai asked and Sara looked at him in shock. 'New rookie, how did you know that?' She asked. 'I know the whole group, Angela, Nyla, Tim, Aaron, John, Wade, and of course these two. Lucy and Celina come here every week. I still remember the time they all stood in my bar in the early morning when Lucy...' He started but Lucy stopped him. 'Kai, don't. She doesn't need to know that yet.' She said, strict. 'Oh, yeah, my apologies. Anyways, I know them all.' He changed the subject.

'Your name is Kai?' Sara asked unsure, maybe even a little scared. 'It sure is, since my birth, why?' Sara took a deep breath before answering. 'No nothing, it's fine.' Kai, still a little suspicious, put three tequila's down in front of them. 'Thanks, can you start us a tap?' Lucy asked, giving him her card. 'Of course, but I do need to see this one's ID beforehand.' He said, referring to Sara. 'Alright, Hold on.' Sara smiled, going through her purse to find it. She handed Kai her ID and he went over it. 'Nice middle name. Adelaide has a nice ring.' He said, handing her her ID back. 'Thank you. It means "noble" in old German. My father chose it, because he came from Germany.' Sara said, smiling. 'Anyways, Let's drink.' She added. They cheerst, and drank.

Celina, and Sara took a couple more after that, but Lucy stopped after one. She didn't like to be drunk. The feeling of not being totally aware of your surroundings sends a shiver down her spine, only thinking about it. Once before, it went wrong and she wasn't letting that happen again. She just chatted a bit with Kai behind the bar and watched Sara and Celina having fun. After a couple hours it was time to go home. 'Kai, can you close my tap?' Lucy asked, and Kai did what she asked. 'Ready to go home?' She asked Sara and Celina. She laughed a little, because Celina and Sara looked both very tired and drunk. 'Yes, I had so much fun. Thank you for the drinks. I'm going home now. See you tomorrow.' Sara said. 'No, you're not. You're staying with us tonight. You had way too much to drink to be driving.' 'Are you sure? I don't want to impulse?' Sara asked. 'Of course you can, come on.' Celina pushed her towards the exit.

They walked towards the car. Lucy drove home with Sara next to her in the passenger's seat and Celina in the back. They didn't have to drive for long, but Lucy noticed how tired and exhausted Celina and Sara were. When they got home, Celina offered Sara her bed. 'No I can't do that. It's already nice enough that you're letting me stay here. I can't steal your bed too.' She argued. 'Okay, well you're not sleeping on the couch. We can share my bed if you want?' Celina suggested, and after some reassuring that it was okay, Sara accepted. Celina and Sara got ready for bed while Lucy prepared a glass of water and some ibuprofen for both girls in case they ended up with a headache in the morning. After that they all went to bed.

Next part: October 14th 2024

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