21- Without Celina

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Saturday was the first day back to work for Celina. The second night at home went a little better. Sara was tired when she went to bed and that helped her stay asleep through the night. She only woke up twice, once in a panic and the other time just confused. Celina's morning began early. She had to wake up at 6, trying not to wake Sara yet.

She got ready and was met by Lucy in the kitchen. 'You're up early. I thought you had today off to look after Sara.' Celina asked. 'I do, I just couldn't sleep any longer. I'm working this case with the detectives and it's awesome.' Lucy had already drunk her cup of coffee and was ready for the day. Celina was the complete opposite. She had dark circles around her eyes that she had covered with concealer. 'I took a copy of the case with me, so I can work on it here.' Celina grinned. 'Of course you did. Have fun with that.'

She drank her coffee and talked a bit with her roomie. After that, she walked out of the door. Lucy worked on her case until she heard Sara waking up. She got up and walked to the bedroom. 'Good morning, how are you feeling?' Lucy asked as she slowly asked in. 'Hi, I'm fine. A little shaky maybe, but not bad.' Sara answered, her voice still a little raspy. She hated herself so much right now. Lucy was so helpful and she just kept lying. She felt like shit. Her hands were trembling and her head was overflowing with fear. It felt like she was going to stop breathing any minute. She was hot and sweaty but cold at the same time. She felt sick, but she wasn't. All she wanted was the comfort of her person, Celina. She knew their secrets and lives, but why was it so hard for her to tell the truth?

She tried to sit up, but the pain in her lag made it hard. Lucy helped her and handed her her meds. She took her medication and then got in her wheelchair. In her head, she counted the days. It had been five days since she last showered and she felt gross. 'I think I'm going to shower later.' She said, going against every voice in her head that told her not to do it. 'Alright, do whatever you need to do.' Lucy answered.

After they had breakfast, Lucy helped by making the bathroom wheelchair proof. She had put a foldable garden hair in the shower so Sara could easily sit down. 'Alright, I put the chair in there, just give a shout if you need anything. I'm happy to help you.' Lucy explained. Sara thanked her and wheeled herself in the bathroom. She first turned on the water. Maybe this wasn't the best time to try this, she thought to herself, but she kept going.

At first, she just looked at the water, slowly getting used to the sound. The room began to feel damper. She slowly let the water run over her hand, while trying to control her breathing. She rolled herself away and took off her clothes. Everything was going great until the moment came, she had to get in the shower. Not letting her right foot touch the ground, she got in. Her anxiety meds made her feel very weak, so all her energy went to trying not to fall.

Maybe it was because of her meds, or maybe she wasn't concentrating enough, but everything happened so fast. As soon as the first water drop hit her back, she trembled. Maybe she got scared or maybe she slipped, she had know idea. A hard thumb was the result of her fall and everything got black.

Next part: November 20th 2024

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