7- Confession

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After the movie ended, Lucy brought Tamara home. She came by bus, because her car had broken down and Lucy didn't want her to go home alone this late at night. 'I'll be back in an hour.' Lucy said as she and Tamara walked out the door. 'Yes, see you soon.' Celina shouted from out of the kitchen before the door slammed shut. After a couple seconds, Sara finally found enough courage to break the silence.

'Celina, can I tell you something?' Sara asked her nervously. She was standing next to the couch with her hand nervously fidgeting with her sweater. She looked a little tense. Celina took one last sip of her glass of water before putting it down, turning all her attention towards Sara. 'Yes, of course. Are you okay?' Celina asked, a little worried as she walked towards her. 'So I have to tell you something that will probably ruin our friendship...' She wanted to continue, but the right words weren't coming. They all just united in her throat, blocking everything from going in or out. 'I'm sure it's not that bad. Just tell me what it is and we'll go from there.' Celina wanted to comfort her. They were standing about 20 inches away from each other, but the tension grew closer.

'Celina, I really really like you.' The room filled with silence. 'You like me?' Celina asked, incredulous. 'Yes and not as friends. I like you more than that. I... I'm in love with you.' Sara's words hit her like an arrow straight into her heart. Celina was in shock and had no idea what to say or do. 'But if you don't like me back I understand. You probably don't even like women. Let alone me. It was stupid to...' Sara began to spiral, wanting to turn back the time and pretend like it didn't happen. Celina didn't know what to say, but wanted Sara to stop talking. Without really realising what she did, she took a step closer and pulled Sara into a kiss. She could feel Sara's shock on her lips when she did it. Sara had expected her to send her away and never talk to her again, but in reality it went way better. A feeling like time stopped flooded through them. She liked Sara too, but could never bring up the courage to ask her. They slowly merged into one as their kiss grew more passionate.

Celina had kissed before, but never like this. All those boys, they had always guided her towards the direction they wanted, but with Sara it felt different. For the first time she finally kissed someone and felt a feeling of relief and love. She was enjoying it and after a couple seconds they stopped for a moment to catch their breath. 'I like you too.' Celina brought out with a smile on her face. Sara was a couple inches taller than she was, so she had to look up a little. Their heads were still very close to each other. 'Yeah, I noticed.' Sara responded before pulling her in again. She held Celina close by placing one of her hands on her waist and the other more on her lower back, while Celina had one of her hands on Sara's upper chest and used her other hand to keep her hair out of the way. Their rhythm slowly increased as they grew even closer to one another. Celina let her fingers slowly slide down Sara's body. She gently stroked her breast and went further down to the opening of her shirt. She went underneath and up her skin again. The tickling feeling had a positive effect on their kiss. Tongues were dancing in one another's mouths as Celina's fingers kept hanging by the bottom of Sara's bra.

'Hmm, do you want to go further?' Sara asked carefully in between their kisses. Celina didn't answer. Instead she just pulled her hand back, placed it on Sara's chest and pushed her to the bedroom. Celina gave the door a little push, but it stayed ajar. She threw Sara on her bed, who was giggling. Then she threw herself on her, continuing their kiss where they left it. They discovered each other's body a little and after a while they were both tired. Celina let herself fall down on the pillow next to Sara. They were both wearing only their underwear at this point. Out of breath, they looked at each other. 'First time?' Sara guessed. 'Do you mean the first time with a girl or the first time enjoying what I did?' Celina asked back. 'Both.' 'Yes and Yes.' Celina answered. 'You?' She asked back. 'Yes, I enjoyed it, but no, this wasn't my first time.' Celina nodded. 'Yea, I could tell.' They were both tired and Celina turned off the light. She looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was about 11:30. She smiled when she remembered that Lucy had left at 10:30. Sara opened her arms and they snuggled up against each other. It didn't take long for they were both fast asleep.

About 10 minutes later, Lucy came through the door. She had spend some extra minutes talking to Tamara's friends. She was surprised to see that the living room was completely empty. The only light came from the still burning candles. She looked at Celina's ajar open door. Inside it was dark. 'They went to bed without turning off the candles? Do they want to burn my apartment down?' Lucy thought to herself. She put her keys down on the kitchen counter and walked to Celina's bedroom door. A big smile grew on her face when she saw the two girls half naked in bed cuddling together. She quickly took a picture and closed the door to let them sleep. 'Guess they had a good night.' She whispered to herself. She grinned and sat down on the couch and opened her phone to text Nyla and Angela.

I think Celina and Sara like each other. ❤️ -L

A- Really, I didn't see any signs.

N- Me neither, why do you think that?

Celina and I invited Sara over for dinner and a movie and then I found them like this -L

*She sended them the picture of them on the couch first. They were almost sitting on top of each other, holding hands. Both had a scared impression on their faces.*

N- Okay... But I've watched that movie too and it's pretty scary.

A- Wauw Luce, you really need to get back with Tim. You're seeing things that aren't even there. 🙈

Okay, but after the movie I went to drop Tamara off at home and when I came back I found them like this. -L

*She added the picture with them in bed. It was a little hard to see, because of the lack of light, but you could clearly see them. They were facing the door, both sound asleep. They blanked up to their waists. Sara was laying behind Celina and had her arm under her head and the other around her waist. Celina had covered that hand with hers. They weren't wearing anything other than a bra and underwear. They looked pretty cute.*

N- Oh, wauw. Well that changes things. 🥵

A- They're pretty cute together. 🥰

What do you think? Dating or friends? 🤔- L

A- 100% dating

N- Yeah, no doubt

Yah, I told you. -L

Oh, But if you tell anyone or confront them, I know where you live. -L 


A- Yes, ma'am.

N- Understood.

N- Need to go, see you tomorrow.

A- Bye 👋

See ya. -L

Lucy smiled at the texts she just sent. She was happy for them. Celina finally had someone in her life that understood her and that made Lucy happy. After sitting there for a couple of minutes she got up and blew out the candles before going to bed.

Next part: October 22th 2024

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