11- Hospital

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The ride took about 5 minutes and when they arrived, Jess immediately got wheeled into a room. Lucy and Celina waited in the waiting room where they were met by Grey. 'How is the girl?' He asked them, standing up. 'She's pretty shaken and extremely exhausted. She has a lot of bruises and she probably needs an exam to confirm the assault.' Lucy explained. 'How is Sara?' Celina couldn't wait to ask that question, but she also didn't want to know the answer, scared that she wouldn't make it. 'I don't know yet, when we arrived they immediately took her to surgery.' Grey answered. He and Celina sat down, but Lucy didn't. She couldn't. Something told her that something was wrong.

'Sit down, this can take a while.' Grey ordered. 'No, I still need to call Jess's parents to tell them that she's found and safe. But I can't ignore this feeling that something is wrong. I don't know what though.' Lucy thought out loud. 'Chen, we've already called her parents and you're in a hospital. People wouldn't be here if nothing was wrong. Standing isn't going to change that, so sit down, that's an order.' Grey grinned a little. Lucy wanted to argue, but a nurse came in. 'I'm sorry to interrupt, are you the one that brought that young girl in? Jess Harrold?' She asked Lucy. 'Yes, is she okay?' 'Not really, she isn't acknowledging anything I say. She just keeps asking for someone named Lucy. Do you know who that may be?' The nurse asked. 'I am Lucy. Where is she?' 'Room 254, can you come with me.' The nurse waved for her to follow her. Lucy quickly looked at Grey, but then followed the woman to room 254.

The first thing Lucy noticed when she walked into the room was the young girl. She was sitting cross-legged on the bed with her body turned towards the nurses on the right side of the bed. Her gaze was fixated on the with curtains covered glass windows behind them. The nurses tried on their turn to get acknowledgement from the girl, but she didn't respond. Only now Lucy noticed how young she actually was. Right there in that house, it never occurred to her that this girl had just turned 16. 16 years old and she had already experienced every girl's worst nightmare.

She walked further into the room and stopped when she arrived on the left side of the bed. She softly put her hand on Jess's shoulder, trying not to scare her by making any sudden movements. Emotionless, Jess turned her head towards her and they stared into each other's eyes. 'Lucy. Why... Why am I here?' She sounded very confused, like she had no idea what had happened. 'You're in the hospital to make sure you're okay. We need to make sure you don't have any bad injuries, but in order to do that, we need to do some tests. Is that okay?' Lucy explained, calmly. Jess just nodded and one of the nurses started explaining what she was going to do. Jess and Lucy just listened as the nurse started her exam by Jess's legs and slowly made her way up. Lucy had both her hands on Jess's shoulders for comfort and Jess took this opportunity to get some stability by leaning against Lucy's body.

After a couple moments, Jess began to come back to her senses. She tried to sit up on her own when it was time for the nurse to check her upper body, but her exhaustion made her tremble. 'Sorry.' Jess whispered, when she accidentally fell back against Lucy's body. 'It's okay. Here, let me help you. Just take it slow.' Lucy smiled as she helped Jess with taking off the sweater. She noticed that it was a little stained by a red color. The nurse saw it too and began to search for the source. She eventually found where the blood came from, a cut from a knife. 'You have a wound here. I'll treat it, but it will burn a little. Can you lay down for me please?' The nurse asked. Hesitantly, Jess laid down on her side, facing Lucy. She didn't trust herself to let go of Lucy's hand. not for even a second.

'We already called your parents. They will be here any minute.' Lucy said to distract her. 'Thank you.' Jess smiled, fakely. Lucy smiled back at her. She kept looking from Jess to her wound to make sure she was okay. 'I'm done here for now. I'll be back to check on you later, okay?' The nurse said, taking off her blue gloves. Lucy and Jess both thanked her before she left. Lucy helped Jess put on one of the hospital gowns and then they waited for her parents. It didn't take very long for them to arrive once they heard their daughter was safe.

The first thing they did was hug their daughter and the second thing was thanking Lucy. After they had all calmed down a bit, Lucy stood up. 'Alright, I'll give you some time, but I'll stop by in a little bit.' She smiled. 'Thank you so much, again.' Jess's mother responded. 'No problem, now get some rest. You really need it.' 'I will, Thank you.' Jess and Lucy smiled at each other before she left. 

Next part: October 30th 2024

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