36- Überraschung, Surprise

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Sara and Ivy continued for a long time. Exposing each other's body, tasting each other's mouths and other areas, learning new things. They had no idea what time it was anymore when they stopped. Outside the window, the sky had turned so dark, it looked almost black, but if you looked closely you could see the slightless of the blue and if you looked really close between the clouds, you could see tiny white dots, stars. It was always crazy for Sara to imagine that each star is a sun from another solar system. That's what she was thinking about when Ivy asked her. She was laying in Ivy's arms. Ivy had one arm under her head, one around her waist and her leg over Sara's, spooning her from behind. She took a deep breath. 'Stars, suns, solar systems and people.' The last one was a little out of line.

'What do people have to do with stars and suns?' Ivy didn't understand. She was talking softly into Sara's hair. 'Every star is actually a sun, so every star is the primary thing for a solar system.' She explained, but here she stopped. 'Yea, they taught me that in 6th grade too. What does that have to do with people?' Ivy asked again. Sara could hear her soft and sweet laughter. 'Well, I was thinking, we aren't the sun in this solar system, but we have to be a sun for someone right. Everyone has that one person who is most important in their life. You can be just a tiny dot for everyone, but also the thing that keeps someone else alive.' It was quiet for a moment.

'Ookay, you lost me. What?' Ivy laughed, confused. Sara turned on her other side. 'Nevermind.' She said, kissing her again. Ivy kissed her back and after a couple seconds, Sara threw herself on top of her. 'Round two?' She asked, between kisses. 'Hmm, more like round four or five.' Ivy responded and Sara smiled, their noses almost touching each other. They kissed, tangling their tongues together like a dance again. Ivy squeezed Sara's waist. It tickled and Sara had to gasp for air. She let her hands switch to Sara's back and moved her fingers slowly up and down, barely touching the skin. That tickled even more and Sara began to laugh, without breaking the kiss. She lightly bit Ivy's tongue. Ivy held her hands around Sara's waist again. Then she pushed her to the side, switching positions. She held her hostage by pinning her hands against the bed, just above her head.

'Oh, you are so done.' She said, pretending to be mad, but Sara could only laugh. The only way to make her stop was by kissing her, so that's what Ivy did. After a couple seconds the doorbell rang. At first, they didn't hear it, too busy giggling and having fun. They immediately stopped when they heard it for the second time, now longer and harder. Ivy stopped the kiss. Did you expect someone?' Sara asked. Her head immediately began to spin. What if Ivy had a girlfriend or something? 'No.' She responded, letting Sara go. She sat up and the doorbell rang again, aggressively. She got out of bed and threw on an oversized shirt and a pair of short pyjama pants. She did it quickly, but not fast enough for the person behind the door, apparently. She let the bedroom door ajar and opened the door.

'Where is she? What the hell are you doing with her?!' The person behind the door shouted. Sara's heart dropped once she recognized the voice. She quickly got out of bed. She quickly threw on her dress, following the conversation outside. 'What the Fuck are you doing here?!' Ivy shouted back, avoiding the question that had been asked. 'Let me in. I need to find her! Where is Sara?' The person wasn't shouting anymore, but sounded more and more angry. 'How the hell did you know she's here? How the hell do you even know her?' Ivy wasn't giving up. 'I need to protect her, let me see her, or believe me you will pay you bitch!' they threatened. Sara rushed out, her heels in her hand. There she saw them. Two girls standing in the living room, fighting. 'Lavender Adelaide Braun!' She yelled to make her stop. It worked and she could see the relief in her eyes.

'Bist du völlig verrückt geworden? Was machst du hier?' Sara added in German. She was mad and caught a little of guard by seeing her cousin without any warning. She always started speaking German once she got angry. "Are you totally crazy? What are you doing here?" She had asked. 'Das Gleiche kann ich dich auch fragen. Was zum Teufel machst du hier?? Wählst du sie von allen Menschen, mit denen du befreundet sein könntest?' Lavender answered."I can ask you the same thing. What the hell are you doing here? How do you choose her out of all the people you could be friends with?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2024 ⏰

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