6- Monday

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It has been a week since Sara's first day and she had grown very close with Celina and Lucy. They always sat together during lunch and had the best conversations. She had a good friendship with them, especially Celina. 'Congrats on surviving your first day with Tim.' Lucy laughed as she and Celina walked towards her. She could see Tim from the corner of her eye. He was standing against a wall close enough to hear her. She felt guilty for saying that in front of him, but on the other side, he kind of deserved it, right? Sara was sitting at one of the desks, doing her paperwork. She looked up at them and a smile immediately grew on her face. 'Thank you.' 'What did you observe about Tim?' Celina asked. 'Well, he shouts a lot but he seems to respect me more by the day, so that's good, I think.' They all laughed. 'How long do you think your paperwork is going to take? We would like to invite you to our place for a fun night and some dinner. Then you can finally meet Tamara. She's coming over too.' Celina suggested. Sara looked at Lucy who looked back at her. 'I think I'll be done here in 10.' 'Great see you soon.' Lucy responded. 'Great, I'll be right there.' Sara responded and Celina and Lucy walked away, talking.

Sara quickly finished her paperwork and Lucy and Celina went to change back to their normal clothes. Lucy drove them home and they started cooking dinner. 'Can I help with anything? Sara asked. Celina was cutting some vegetables and Lucy was cooking penne. 'Can you set the table? Glasses and plates are in that drawer and cutlery is in here.' Lucy pointed at two drawers. Sara nodded and set the table for four people. Every week Tamara came over to have dinner. It was very important for Lucy to know how she was doing. Tamara was like the sister she never had and she always wanted to give Tamara the childhood her parents never gave her.

When dinner was almost ready, there was a knock on the door. 'I'll get that.' Sara said and she opened the door. 'Hi, you must be Tamara, I'm Sara.' She said and she shook Tamara's hand. 'Hi, nice to meet you. You're the new rookie, right?' Tamara asked as she stepped through the door. 'Yes, I'm Tim's new rookie.' Sara responded. 'You got officer Zaddy? I'm so sorry for you.' Tamara joked and they all smiled except Lucy. She didn't really find it funny. 'Omg, Tam! I told you to drop that name.' Lucy exclaimed as she went to give Tamara a hug. 'Hello to you too. I find the nickname pretty fitting actually. He's very swag, has good taste and he's so old, he could be your dad.' Tamara summed up. That was the last drop for Celina and Sara and they bursted out laughing. 'Okay, he's only 9 years older and we're not even together anymore.' Lucy stuck up for Tim. '9... 90 same difference.' Tamara said underneath her breath, so that only Celina and Sara could hear it. 'What was that?' Lucy asked, pretending to be mad. She actually saw the truth in Tamara's story, but she wasn't going to admit that. 'Nothing, nothing.' Tamara smiled. 'Good... It's nice to see you by the way.' Lucy responded as she put the food down on the table.

They started talking about Tamara's week at school and then about Sara's training. 'Yeah, he seems to respect me as long as I talk about Lucy.' Sara said, like Lucy wasn't sitting right next to her. 'Wait you talk about me with Tim? What do you talk about?' She immediately asked, interrupting Sara's story. This was the first time she heard this and it worried her a little. 'Oh, I don't know. Just the normal stuff. Every day he asks me if you still like him and he wants to know if you're mad at him or not. He seems pretty obsessed with you.' Sara explained like it was no big deal, but for Lucy it was. 'What did you tell him?' She asked, tense. 'That you keep changing the subject when we start talking about your relationship with him and that I know that you're just as obsessed with him as he is with you.' It was scary how good Sara could read Lucy's mind, because Lucy had never told her that. She couldn't even put words to it herself, but apparently Sar could.

'Why did you guys break up?' Sara asked. Lucy sighed before answering. 'It's a long story.' She avoided talking about it. 'Long story short. He once disappeared for 36 hours while Lucy was worried out of my mind. He didn't want to tell anyone what was going on. He lied, he left and pushed her away. Then he broke up with her with the motive "you deserve better".' Tamara quickly explained like it was no big deal. Apparently, everyone could talk about it easily, except Lucy herself. It made her feel a little victimised. Normally, Lucy would be all over Tamara for blurring out her secret like that, but she knew it was gonna come out eventually and it was better to hear from Tamara or her than from Tim. It was quiet for a moment and everyone was just eating. 'Wauw, Shit.' Sara brought out. 'Yeah, I know. But if he doesn't want me, what can I do about it?' Lucy said, poking around in her food, not looking up at anyone. 'Lucy.' Sara began carefully. 'He does want you, but he has convinced himself that you don't want him anymore.' Sara's words made her think about it, something she really didn't want to do right now. 'Okay, but can we please not do this right now. I just want a fun night with my friends.' She begged and they changed the subject.

They just talked for a little while longer and then they watched a movie. Celina and Sara were sitting on the couch, Tamara next to them on the floor, leaning against the couch and Lucy had found her place on her favourite chair. She wasn't really paying attention to the movie. She was on her phone just scrolling through Tim's social media posts and through their texts. When she looked up for just a second, she saw something she couldn't ignore. She was staring at Celina and Sara who were sitting extremely close to one another. There was just a scary part in the movie and Lucy saw Celina grabbing Sara's hand. She gave Tamara a little pat on her back with her foot to get her attention. Tamara turned around facing her, confused. That look slowly faded into a smile when she followed Lucy gaze until her eyes found Celina and Sara cuddling on the couch together. Lucy took a picture and they continued watching the movie. Lucy tried to keep her thoughts from the film, but she kept slipping back to the two girls on her couch. Did Celina like Sara back?

Next part: October 20th 2024

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