Chapter 40: Twisted Nerve

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Peter and May were playing video games against each other in the living room while the others watched and Raven read quietly nearby. The others watched, nearly on the edge of their seat as the match went on for several minutes.

"Dude! This is the longest I've ever seen you go on this game." Cyborg laughed with an impressed grin."You losing your touch?"

"You wish." Peter chuckled, keeping a bit more concentrated than usual.

"Come on, May, you've GOTTA beat him!" Wally cheered excitedly. "He must be stopped!"

"I know." May said with a competitive look. "I'm trying, just let me focus!"

"Come on, Mayday!" Kate cheered

After that, the other Titans started cheering too. "Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!"

Raven watched quietly with an amused grin as she peeked over her book.

"Come on, I'm not just gonna LET you win." Peter chuckled. "Hoo! You almost had me there." He chuckled.

"I... won't... let... you... win!" May said, briefly waving her hands in front of his face to try and distract him.

"Hey, quit that." Peter laughed, weaving his head to try and see.

"I so got you now!- shit!" She cursed, as the game ended with his win.

"Awwww!" The others groaned.

"Man, one day, someone is gonna get you." Cyborg laughed.

Peter chuckled, then gave an innocent shrug. "Then you guys will have a whole NEW problem."

Wally sighed at that. "Damn... he's right."

May peered at him competitively. "I'll get you next time."

Peter chuckled at that. "Good luck with that." He said in amusement, before offering his controller to Wally. "Here, I'm done for a while."

"Damn right." Wally sighed begrudgingly, as he accepted the controller.

Peter stood up from the couch, making his way around to the back, before glancing at Raven.

"Thirsty?" He offered with a grin. "I'll make it with love."

Raven gave an amused grin as she peeked over the top of her book. "I mean, if you're offering." She shrugged with a slight smirk, before briefly kissing him as he passed.

"You got it." He winked, then looked to May. "What about you? Tea?"

"Eww no thanks." She said with a soft chuckle. "Never really acquired the taste."

Peter chuckled at that. "Little rebel." He joked teasingly, before turning back towards the kitchen.

As he walked in, Shuri rushed into the room hurriedly, looking around for a moment.

"Hey, Shuri." Megan waved.

"Where's the fire?" Superboy asked nonchalantly.

"The Amazon." She said as she rushed to the kitchen after Peter.

The other senior members looked back at that with alarm.

"What!?" Starfire gasped.

"Hey, it was just a joke." Cyborg chuckled, but she didn't answer.

The three older members looked at each other with concern, before getting up to follow her.

"Hey!" Shuri said, startling Peter a bit.

"Oh, shit!" He jumped with a gasp. "Scared me. What's up."

The Black Panther didn't reapond to that, and instead turned her phone around to show aerial footage of a jungle with flames rising over the trees in a long narrow pathway. His eyes widened at that as he took the phone for a closer look.

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