Chapter 28: First-day Assembly and the Preparation Period

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Bonalt: “Leader!? Aren’t you going back to the academy today?”

Razé: “Morning, Captain. Yeah. I’m going to teleport back in another 30 minutes, so I need to finish this by then.”

Razé: “If I don’t submit the report on new species in Zone 15 to Professor Yor, she might break into the academy.”

Yor Carton Fedrick was a mad scientist who studied monsters. People called her ‘Devil in a Lab Coat’. When Bonalt recalled that name, his face twitching with anxiety.

Bonalt: “I’m not surprise if she does.”

Razé: “Yeah.”

Razé moved her hand silently and wrote the report in as much detail as possible.

Razé: “I’m done. Well then, Captain Bonalt. I’m going to be away for a while again. I’m counting on you.”

Bonalt: “Yes.”

Razé felt glad that she had such a reliable subordinate. She smiled to him and then teleported back home. She changed into a new dress given by her subordinates. She was not used to wearing skirt, but it was a precious gift from her comrades. She swiftly changed her clothes and then checked her appearance in front of the mirror.

“Battle Fiesta is coming soon. I hope nothing would happen.”

Razé braced herself and teleported to Centrior again.

* * *


When she arrived at Centrior, the first one who called out to her was her angel. When Razé basked in Folia’s divine presence, it was as if they were in a different world. Razé caught Folia as she jumped onto her.

Razé: “It’s been a while. How are you doing?”

Folia: “Great!”

Being hugged by Folia made Razé realized that she had really returned to the academy.

Carna: “Folia-san, Razé looks like she couldn’t breathe.”

Folia: “Oh! Carna-sama!”

The trio had reunited, and Razé was once again holding two pretty ladies on her sides. The three girls went to the dormitory first to change into uniforms. Then they gathered in the hall again.

During the assembly, the teacher explained about Battle Fiesta to them. The tournament match which would be participated by all students would start a week later. For the 3rd Year students, this event would affect their employment prospect so they had more pressure.

When the tournament chart was announced, there were sounds of noises here and there.

The opponent for Razé’s first match was a male student from 2nd Year Class B. She originally thought that she would fight her way through the tournament and then beat Adis. But after discussing with Harlens, Razé had to lose her first match because she needed to joined the security team immediately.

Harlens knew that it would be easy for Razé to win this tournament, so he asked her to refrain herself. Besides, the parents would come to watch the tournament.  Due to her profession, she needed to stay low-profile and not attract attentions during the tournament.

“Wuu, I’m so nervous …” Folia had turned pale from anxiety. Razé had noticed the ring on her finger. She looked at Folia like a mother watching over her child.

Razé: “You’ll be fine. You have a special charm.”

Folia: “Hehe. Zale-sama gave it to me. He was busy so we couldn’t meet much during the last half of the holiday. But he said that we would meet again soon.”

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