Chapter 57: Noticing the Truth

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As usual, once the students returned to the school after the summer holiday, the first week was dedicated for the preparation for Battle Fiesta. The lessons were limited to practical classes only and mostly it was self-study.

Some students were wielding their swords while others were practicing magic. And some with hidden ambition were putting effort on getting closer to their idol. Everyone was spending their time in their own way.

Around this time last year, Razé was doing muscle training. But this time, she was not even in the training ground. A red-haired student was running around the training ground, calling out Razé’s name.

“Razé-saaan! Master Razéee!”

It was Ian Masse Durhua, the winner for 1st Year students in the previous winter tournament. Everyone still remembered how he fought brilliantly after changing his specialized weapon from sword to polearm.

“H- How did this happen…?” Razé Granoli hid behind the school building nearby the training ground. She had a perplexed look on her face and felt this was the most embarrassing moment she had since joining the academy.

* * *

Razé wondered how the red-haired young man was able to go around shouting her name in a childlike manner without feeling embarrassed. For her, this scene looked like a lost child shouting for their parents, or a child shouting for their lost pet, or maybe someone in a very dangerous situation.

“Master Razéee! Please shout back if you can hear meee!” Ian was running around the training ground and dojo gym while calling her name.

Razé felt the situation was bad because she didn’t want to attract attention. The other students were curious about this person called “master” by Ian. Since this tournament would affect their future career path, the students, especially those who wanted to join the Knights were secretly observing Ian’s actions.

Razé was initially on her way to the training ground after stopping by the library. She instinctively went into hiding and now she had missed the right timing to go out.

“Aa-. How did this happen? … Hmm. It was my fault…” Razé muttered to herself with a disappointment. In the distance, she could still hear Ian calling out her name. “I already told him not to call me Master…”

She only intended to give him some advice during the winter tournament and had never thought it would cause such a troublesome situation. She felt that she hadn’t done much for him but for some reason Ian was looking for her. Given his personality, most likely he wanted to ask her for a match.

Razé thought that maybe she could slack off and lose a match. But she had already won once. The single-minded and stubborn Ian wouldn’t be convinced easily. She needed to be cautious with these types of people with good instinct. Razé hold her breath and stay perfectly quiet in her hiding spot while thinking of a countermeasure.

Well… They already know my fake identity as an adventurer anyway.

There were many talented students in this academy, so it was not rare if some of them were registered as adventurers. After all, this was an aristocratic school. Most family paid extra attention on their children’s education. Of course, some of them would never allow their children to do dangerous thing. However, most young men preferred to excel in both literary and martial arts. Most of the students in this academy were likely have been taught by experienced tutors from an early age.

Is it okay if I show off a little bit of my power? But the opponent is Ian…

When Razé tried to imagine what would happen if she defeated the top rank Ian, she groaned in frustration.

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