Chapter 45: Filthy Hands

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So delicious!

Razé didn't say it out loud but her face expression was full of happiness. The imperial cuisines were so exquisite, it really tickled her taste buds. The plate presentation was gorgeous and she was excited every time a new dish was served.

Then she noticed Claude, who was sitting right opposite her, had stopped his hand.

Razé: "Is there any problem?"

Claude: "... No. I was just thinking about something."

Claude was acting restless during the meal. Perhaps he was used to standby behind as a butler and was not comfortable to eat together with others at the same table.

Razé: "Eating with others always makes a meal better."

Carna and Folia nodded with a gentle smile on their faces. Razé watched their reaction, and then shifted her gaze to Claude and nodded a little. He seemed to understand what she was trying to say, so he started to move his hand awkwardly.

"Thank you for the wonderful meal."

After they finished their meal, they were led to another room where they could hang around and relax. Razé felt it was such a blissful life to be able to rest leisurely after eating. They could have a chat or play board games.

The good times went by in a blink of an eye. They left to take a bath before going to bed.

"Good night."

"Have a sweet dream!"

After taking a bath with Carna and Folia, Razé wished them good night and went back to her room. She had to leave for Beham right after breakfast tomorrow. She thought of a few other options in case the shop rejected their order, but she really hoped they could procure the papers from Happy Leaf.

٩(*'ο'*)۶"Fwaaa~" She let out a big yawn and climbed onto the luxurious canopy bed.

* * *

That night.

Carna woke up from a nightmare.

"It's the same dream again..."

She clasped her shaking hand together and took a deep breath. She had been having the same nightmare lately.

In the dream, Ruben broke off their engagement, and she turned into something hideous as if she was being possessed by a terrifying thing causing her to attack Ruben and others. They couldn't hear her no matter how much she screamed. And in the end, Ruben stabbed her through her heart. That was when she woke up.

"Am I destined for a tragic ending?" She held the bed sheet tightly.

"I won't let that happen." She recalled the words Razé had said to her. Razé, who was not supposed to exist in this otome game, had become her hope.

"I'm going to be okay. I have Razé."

So far, they had managed to avoid the events. And most importantly, Carna had become a close friend with the heroine, Folia. She never did and never would bully that girl. She was still unclear of the likelihood of a plot enforcement, but she assumed Razé existence was the proof to reject the possibility.

Carna told herself that she was okay and lifted up her head. She got out of bed and went out to the balcony. There were countless stars shining in the sky.

Maybe I'd feel better after taking a walk for a while.

The nights were cold even in summer. She put on her coat and quietly left her room.

― ― ―

Razé was startled when she heard a creaking sound. She was a light sleeper, a habit she got from doing undercover job for years. It was a surprise that she managed to sleep deeply in the carriage earlier this noon. At that time, she almost made a mistake and grabbed Ian when he woke her up.

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