Chapter 42: The Long-awaited Three Days Off

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“Let me go!”

“No way!”

Razé had made promise to meet Carna and the others at noon today. However, a woman in a lab coat was holding her hips tightly and wouldn’t let her go.

Razé: “Professor Yor~!”

Razé was deeply distressed by the situation. She had been caught by the ‘Devil in a Lab Coat’, Yor Carton Fedrick. Not sure where she got the strength from, but Prof Yor was holding onto her firmly. Normally, Prof Yor rarely left her lab. But when she heard Razé was in a building nearby, she rushed over and grabbed her, trying to dragged her back to her lab. Her obsession was quite terrifying.

Yor: “Razé, let’s get married. Then we can do experiment together forever.”

Razé: “Have you lost your mind?!”

No matter how Razé asked to be let go, Yor refused to listen. Razé wanted to ask for help from others, but everyone who saw her being dragged along the corridor just pretended not to see anything and walked away.

Razé: “I have an important appointment today!”

Yor: “I know~. You’re going to meet those golden eggs[1], right? If you insist on going, then I’ll follow you~.”

Razé: “That’s unacceptable!”

Razé was getting anxious as there was not much time left. She decided to resort to forcible mean. She prepared for a knifehand strike[2].

“Wa- Wait! Razé-san!” A young man ran towards them in a hurry. Razé’s eyes turned bright seeing a savior had appeared.

Razé: “Frey-kun!”

Frey: “I’m sorry, Razé-san. Professor is giving you trouble again.”

This young man was Prof Yor’s mother[3]…not really. He was Prof Yor’s assistant, Frey Kanzach.

“Stop it, professor. You’re upsetting Razé-san.” Frey knocked Prof Yor’s head. The ‘Devil in a Lab Coat’ looked a bit pathetic.

Yor: “But without Razé, my experiment won’t make any progress.”

Frey: “You’re an adult, don’t throw a tantrum. The sample analysis has already finished.”

Yor: “Really?!”

While Yor was baited with that piece of news, Frey sent a signal to Razé with his eyes. Razé nodded her head to thank him and immediately teleported back to her team.

Before she could leave for her day off, Razé needed to clear an urgent task. She said to her team, “I’m going to clear this job within 30 minutes! I can’t spare any extra time, so if anyone couldn’t catch up, I’ll deport you back immediately. Magenda experiment has made these poor monsters suffered, so let’s end it all today!”


Razé had received a last-minute mission right before she could leave. Apparently, Magenda had done a secret experiment in Baruda and now she needed to dispose the failed experiment subjects. According to an information from Shadow’s Eye, Magenda tried to create a group of monsters that could be controlled by human. Now, the failed experiment subjects were causing havoc in Baruda.

The location was in Zone 5, so it should be easy. Razé activated physical strengthening and speed movement magic, and charged through the pack of monsters.

“Lieutenant Ducard, I’ve lost sight of Leader.”

Ducard laughed when he heard Victor sounded surprised.

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