Voices (Roles Switched/Improved)

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(Warning: swearing)

No One's POV:

Bose woke up this morning feeling weird. This wasn't a typical weird, this was worse. He kept hearing someone that wasn't around him, and he couldn't find out where it was coming from.

You can't escape from me, Bose O'brien. I know your secret.

Bose tries to just ignore it and proceeds to begin his day. He got out of bed, went downstairs, had breakfast, went back upstairs, took a shower, got dressed, brushed his teeth, put a pair of Vans on, grabbed his school stuff, and headed out the door.

As he was walking to school, he heard this weird being again.

You think you can escape me? You don't know what I've heard, or what I've seen. I see and hear everything that goes on in your life. You must do as I tell you, or else I'll never leave!

Once again, Bose just tries to ignore the voice as he continues walking to school. When he gets to school, he's greeted by Chapa outside the doors.

Chapa: "Sup, Bose?"

Bose: "Oh, hey, Chapa. Not much, what about you?"

Chapa: "Eh, just another day."

As they both engage in a full conversation, the mysterious voice comes back.

Tell her. You must tell her! Tell her now!

Chapa noticed that Bose mysteriously stopped talking and just stared.

Chapa: "Bose, you good? Bose?"

Bose suddenly snaps back into reality.

Bose: "Huh? What?"

Chapa: "Are you good?"

Bose: "Oh, uh... yeah. I... guess I'm just a little tired."

Chapa: "Really? So am I."

Bose: "Well, I guess we should go inside now or else we'll be late."

Chapa: "True."

As they walk in together, the voice comes back again.

Pathetic! You can't even tell her something so simple! That's what you are: you're pathetic! You're scared of facing the truth! You know that I'm right!

Bose brings his hand up to the side of his head in a bit of pain, which Chapa notices.

Chapa: "Are you sure you're alright?"

Bose: "Yeah, yeah, totally. Just a little tired, that's all."

Chapa nods as they continue to walk to first period together.

For the whole rest of the day, Bose keeps hearing the voice inside his head. No matter what he does, it just won't leave. Little did anyone know, he has been dealing with the voice for the past few days, and it has made his life miserable ever since. He can't concentrate on anything without suddenly hearing the voice, and he keeps trying to hide it from anyone who was concerned about him.

After school ended, Bose rushed home to try and cool off. This made Chapa more worried because she and Bose always hung out together after school, so something was clearly off. Chapa mentioned her concerns to Miles and Mika, which made them worry, too.

When Bose got home, he saw that his mom and step-dad were gone, which was fine with him. He just really needed to be alone. When he got up to his room, he crawled into his bed and started crying.

Look at you now! You can't even go a whole day without breaking down like this! You should've done what I had told you to, and this wouldn't be happening!

Bose: "FUCK YOU!!"

Bose nearly reaches his breaking point, so he grabs his phone and airpods to try and make the voice go away. He scrolls through Spotify and turns on a playlist of songs he listens to on days like this. He starts the first song and tries to calm down.

When the song ends, the next song is about to play. But then, there's a knock on the window. Bose looks over and sees Chapa waving at him. He gets out of his bed, takes out his airpods, and goes to open the window to let Chapa in.

Bose: "Chapa, what are you doing here?"

Chapa: "Well, I know this is a little unexpected, but I just wanted to make sure everything was alright. We usually hang out after school."

Bose: "Yeah, well... I guess I wasn't in the mood."

Chapa goes over to sit on the bed with Bose. She starts to process what to say, and makes sure to use a calming voice.

Chapa: "Bose, listen... I know that there's something going on with you. I've been noticing it for the whole day. It's... it's not like you to not want to hang out with me after school. Now, I understand if you still don't want to talk about it, but... just know that I'm here if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to."

Bose nods in agreement, and suddenly, he breaks into more tears. Chapa slowly pulls him into a hug and lets him unleash all of his emotions onto her chest.

Chapa: *softly* "It's okay, Bose. Let it all out. I've got you."

Bose continues to cry on Chapa with one hand on her sleeve and the other pressed against her chest. Pretty soon, he calms down a little, and they break the hug. Chapa gently rids of his tears with her thumb, and he holds her other hand with his, which makes Chapa stop for a moment.

Bose: "I... I really like you, Chapa."

Chapa's face lights up.

Chapa: "You do??"

Bose: "Yeah, and... the reason why I've been hiding it is because I was scared that you didn't feel the same way about me. Plus... and I know this is going to sound stupid, but... for the past few days, I've been hearing this voice in my head that kept wanting to control me. It kept calling me scared and pathetic, and... that's the reason I didn't wait for you outside of school earlier. It kept wanting me to tell you how I felt, but I wanted to do it on my own time, and not because some random voice told me to."

Chapa is silent for a moment while taking the time to process everything she just heard.

Bose: "You probably think I'm stupid, huh?"

Chapa: "No, no! Not at all! Definitely not. I completely understand. Believe or not... I really like you, too."

Bose: "Oh, thank god! I'm so glad!"

Chapa: "I've felt that way for a while, and... I guess I was scared to tell you, too. I didn't hear a voice, though, but still."

Bose slightly chuckles.

Bose: "Kiss me already."

Chapa smiles and leans in to kiss him, to which he returns the kiss. This goes on for about ten seconds, and they pull away. They stare into each other's eyes while smiling.

Bose: "Guess we're officially official now."

Chapa: *giggles* "Yeah, we are."

(This was a really good request. Thank you so much, Brainstorm769 for giving me the idea to switch the roles for this chapter, although I did it a little differently, but still, thank you!)

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