Chapa? (Part 3)

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Bose's POV:

I woke up to the sound of clamoring. I looked around, but I saw nothing; just pure darkness. Suddenly, my eyes are immediately hit with light. I looked around and saw that I was taken out of a kidnapping sack. Then, I see something I never thought I'd see, ever. The other clones were standing there, with the original Chapa, Mika and Miles tied to chairs and gagged so that they couldn't move or say anything.

I didn't know where this place was, but I could tell right away that it was bad news.

Me: "Wh-what's happening? Why am I here?"

Clone Chapa appears behind me.

Clone Chapa: "Isn't it obvious, you moron? We brought you here to be destroyed."

Me: "But we destroyed all of you. I don't understand how you clones came back."

Clone Miles: "That part doesn't matter. What does matter is that you originals are destroyed so that us clones can take over and ruin Danger Force's good name."

Clone Mika: "We've already got three of your friends. Maybe you'd like to join them."

Clone Bose: "Yeah, and if you join them, maybe you'll become even smarter than you never were."

Me: "Okay, that hurts, Clone me. I know I have no brain, but you don't have to make light of it all the time."

Clone Chapa: "Give up, Bosey. You're outnumbered."

I look at the others that are tied up and gagged.

Me: "No. I will never give up, not until I have my friends back."

Clone Bose: "Fine, then. It's your funeral, and before you start talking about an actual funeral, just know that what I said is not meant to be taken literally."

Clone Miles: "Let's just beat this guy already!"

The four clones stand side-by-side in front of me. I knew what I was getting myself into, but I didn't care. I just want my friends free. I concentrated real hard on trying to beat all four clones at once.

All four of the clones tried to use their powers at the same time, but I somehow managed to stop all of them with my powers. Wow, I never thought I was this strong. Anyway, I kept holding on for dear life. Eventually, I'm able to lift all four of them into the air, and when I did, I hurled them across the room with my mind, giving me enough time to free the others.

I went back to the others and freed them one-by-one. First Chapa, then Mika, then Miles. Chapa hugged me, and I actually wasn't even surprised. I knew she had a big heart under all that toughness. I hugged back, and when we pulled away, we tried catching up on everything that just happened.

Then, we see the clones coming towards us.

Clone Chapa: "You're going to pay for that!"

Me: "No, you clones are going to pay for messing with my friends. The OG Danger Force will always be in control, not you cheap copies."

Clone Bose: *gasps* "How dare you make fun of us with that tone and mockery in your voice."

Chapa: *in her usual sarcastic tone* "Sorryyy."

Mika: "Let's each take one, we'll win faster that way."

Miles: "Agreed."

Chapa: "Yup."

I nod.

The clones get closer to us, until it was like a mid 1850s western style showdown scene, minus the suspenseful music. We stare at each other for a few seconds, and we all scream. We get closer and each take on a clone of ourselves.

I don't exactly know how to describe the fight, but let me just say this: it was almost impossible to beat the clones. Eventually, we all managed to take them down. Now, they're unconscious on the ground.

Me: "So, what should we do with them?"

Mika: "I say we take them back to Schwoz so he can reverse the cloning so we never have to worry about them again."

Chapa: "Nah, screw that. I say we just leave their bodies here."

Miles: "They're not dead, Chapa."

Chapa: "I know that, dude. Can't I just say cool stuff without being shut down?"

Miles: "You think I'm shutting you down?"

Mika: "Alright, you two, that's enough! Why does it seem like it's always you two going at it?"

Me: "Right??"

Chapa and Miles just roll their eyes. We all proceed to head towards the exit.

Chapa's POV:

I'm so glad that all of this was over. I'm happy that Bose was able to get past the clones to save all of us. Before all of this started, I actually was on my way to tell Bose that I like like him. But of course, that was before I got kidnapped. Anyway, as all of us are heading towards the exit, I hear footsteps behind me. I turn to look, and at the last second, Clone Chapa jumps on top of me and attacks me.

(What will happen next? Stay tuned for part 4?)

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