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No One's POV:

Chapa and Bose were asleep together in bed. Sunlight crept through the curtains and shined down on the end of the bed. Bose slowly woke up to see the light coming in. He looked over and saw that Chapa was still asleep with her arm draped over him.

Bose remembered that it was Saturday and that they didn't really have anything to do at that moment. He decided to get up, anyway, to make some breakfast for the both of them. He slowly crawled out of the bed so as not to wake Chapa up. He managed to success, and he slowly went over to the door, opened it, and slowly closed it back up, but not all the way.

He slowly went downstairs and into the kitchen. He looked around to see what he could work with. He decided to make some scrambled eggs, some bacon, pancakes, and some toast. He was careful and quiet to get all the stuff out as Chapa was still asleep upstairs.

He looked at the clock on the oven and saw that it was almost 9 A.M.. He knew that Chapa would wake up soon, so he got to work.

Skip the whole process

As Bose was getting everything together for the final touch, he was proud of himself for his good work. He knew that he and Chapa would absolutely love everything that was prepared.

Meanwhile, upstairs, Chapa slowly opened her eyes to find that Bose wasn't where he originally was. She started to get a little worried, until she heard noise coming from downstairs, and she knew that it was him.

She slowly sat up in bed to stretch a little, then she completely got out of the bed. She went over and opened tbe curtains to let the sunlight in. It blinded her a little, but she quickly turned away. She walked over to the door, opened it up a little, then headed towards the stairs. When she reached the bottom, she saw Bose setting their breakfast on the table.

She smiled at this, and she slowly proceeded towards him. She hugged him from behind, and Bose instantly realized what he was feeling. He smiled and placed his hands on her arms.

Bose: "Morning, Chapa."

Chapa: "Morning, baby. Everything smells good down here."

Bose: "That's good to hear. I hope the noise didn't bother you."

Chapa: "Nah, you're good."

Bose turns around and kisses Chapa, who kisses him back. They let go and head to the table and sit down.

Another Skip

After they both finish breakfast, they bring the dishes to the sink and set them down. After that, they go back upstairs to get dressed. They decided that they wanted to enjoy their Saturday morning as much as possible before having to go to the Man's Nest.

Bose's outfit consisted of a t-shirt, shorts and a pair of Vans. Chapa's outfit also contained a t-shirt, but with dark jeans, and her signature leopard-print boots. She knew it wasn't gonna be that hot today. She decided to add a few accessories, such as a ring or two, and a choker. She just brushed her hair a little bit. She didn't really care what her hair looked like.

Bose didn't mind it, either. He liked it just the way it was. He only brushed his hair a little, too. After they were completely done, they grabbed their pairs of sunglasses and headed out the door.

After a few minutes of walking, they came across the town's coffee shop. It wasn't crowded at that moment, so they went in. Even though they ate breakfast, they thought a few more things wouldn't hurt. When they got to the front, they placed their orders, paid and waited a few minutes until they were ready.

They kept it simple with a coffee and a breakfast sandwich for each of them. Chapa got hot coffee, and Bose got iced coffee. Their different tastes in coffee didn't bother them at all.

They exited the place and made their way to the Man's Nest with their stuff. Their conversation consisted of whatever, and they even included how much they love each other, which resulted in a passionate kiss. Their kiss tasted of the flavors of each other's coffee, but again, they were not bothered.

Soon, they reach the Man's Nest.

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