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Chapa's POV:

So...this happened: about a week ago, my mom and dad got into an argument about how much they help around the house. I don't want to go into exact details, but I will just say that my mom kept telling my dad that he doesn't help out as much as she does.

My dad said that he helps out around the house just enough and that there's no reason they should be arguing, but my mom said that all he ever does is nap all day, which is technically true.

A week later, the same argument starts back up again, and I'm getting so sick of hearing it. Right now, I'm upstairs in my bedroom waiting for the arguing to be over so I can go downstairs. It was taking a while, and eventually, I couldn't take anymore.

I grabbed my house key (just in case), opened my window, and carefully climbed out and then closed it. I had to get out of there or else I would start to lose my mind. I couldn't go to the twins' house because they got grounded for a week for not cleaning up their rooms (which is strangely surprising), so I decided to go to Bose's house.

For some reason, I like spending time with Bose. He always makes me laugh with half the stuff he says sometimes, and the both of us just really know how to hang out together.

When I got to Bose's front door, I knocked, and a few seconds later, he opens the door and is surprised to see me.

Bose: "Chapa, hey, what are you doing here?"

Me: "Uh, can I come in?"

Bose: "Yeah, of course."

Bose's POV:

I was surprised to see Chapa at my door, but I'm not complaining. I do like getting to spend some time with her.

Me: "Uh, want something to drink?"

Chapa: "No, thanks."

Me: "Alright, then. So what's up? What's on your mind?"

Chapa: "Well, I just needed to get out of my house for a little while."

Me: "Uh-oh, what's going on?"

Chapa: "'s my parents. They keep arguing with each other about how much they help around the house."

Me: "That's still going on?"

Chapa: "Unfortunately, and I was getting so sick of having to listen to it, so I basically escaped to here."

Me: "Well, you're more than welcome to stay here as long as you need."

Chapa: "Thank you, I don't know when their arguing will stop, but hopefully soon."

Me: "Yeah, it's not great to listen to people arguing."

Chapa: "True, especially when it's someone's own parents, even mine. They're usually so nice all the time, then this stuff started to happen, and...I'm starting to worry that they might take it out on me."

Me: "What? No way, they wouldn't do that to you."

Chapa: "Well, I'm not their favorite child after all, they're always in favor of Sage."

Me: "Well, maybe you could try to convince them that playing favorites is not the way to go."

Chapa: *scoffs* "If only, there's no way to get them to admit that."

Me: "Mm."

Chapa: *sighs deeply* "You know what the worst part about all this is?"

Me: "What's that?"

Chapa: "Every word they said to each other, I keep hearing it in my mind." *voice breaks* "Every venomous word that they throw at each other, it still haunts me to this moment. If this keeps up, they might get a divorce, and there'll probably be another argument about who gets what, and pretty soon, it's just going to drive me to the brink of insanity!"

I try to calm Chapa down by placing my hand on her shoulder.

Me: "Chapa?"

Chapa: "What?!"

Me: "...Do you need a hug?"

Chapa: *sniffles* Yeah...I do."

Chapa's POV:

At this point, I'm having a full breakdown. It was all happening so fast, and my mind was racing. When Bose pulled me into a hug, I was able to let it all out. Bose is surprisingly a good hugger, and I just wanted to stay in the hug for as long as possible.

I was just crying and crying like never before, and it was pretty embarrassing, but I knew Bose would never judge me for that, so I just kept crying while he had his arms wrapped around me, and offered comforting words to me.

After about a minute, I had pretty much got all of my crying out of my system, and Bose and I broke the hug. He wiped the rest of the tears from my face as he assured me that everything would be alright.

I nodded in agreement and Bose kissed my forehead, which was a tiny bit surprising at first, I'll admit, but I didn't really care. I just wanted to be really close to him.

Bose: "Want to go upstairs to my room and listen to some music with me?"

Me: "Sure, I'd like that."

For the rest of that day, Bose and I sat in his bedroom listening to a playlist of rock music he had. I loved every bit of it, because I'm also a huge rock fan. Even some more metal type of stuff, but hey, Bose had a lot of really great songs going on.

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