Apocalypse (Part 1)

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(Warning: swearing)

No One's POV:

It is a normal day in the Man's Nest. Ray (as Captain Man) is taking many selfies for some reason, the twins are having an argument over something stupid and random that Miles thought of, and Chapa and Bose were trying to beat each other in an online computer game. After some time, Chapa wins. Bose had a feeling it was coming, so he wasn't really that surprised.

Just then, the Man's Nest screen comes up.

TV: "We interrupt this program for some breaking news."

Everyone turns their attention to the screen.

Trent: *on TV* "This just in, rumors of a zombie apocalypse have been flooding the internet, so it is highly advised that everyone remain inside their homes until we know it's safe."

Mary: *on TV* "That's right, Trent. By the way, my mom always told me that zombies are not real, and boy, how wrong she's gonna be."

Trent: *on TV* "Mary, they're just rumors. We don't know for sure if the apocalypse is actually gonna happen or not."

Ray turns of the news.

Bose: "Oh, god. Are there actually zombies coming into our world? I hate zombies! They're so scary!"

Chapa grabs his shoulders to calm him down.

Chapa: "Buddy, relax. There's no such thing as zombies. Even if there are, we'll be safe from them inside the Man's Nest."

Suddenly, the power goes out.

Bose: "They're coming!"

Bose hides his face in Chapa's chest. She wasn't expecting it, but she didn't pull away, either. In fact, she wrapped her arms around him.

Chapa: "It's probably just a coincidence."

At that moment, a siren goes off outside.

Mika: "Would you also call that a coincidence?"

Chapa simply flipped Mika off.

Ray: "Alright, at this point, I think we're gonna have to go out there to see if there are actually zombies."

Miles: "Are you nuts? If there are zombies out there, we might get taken by them."

Ray: "Yeah, that or the news is just trying to mess with us."

Chapa: "Aren't you the one who always says that the news is sacred?"

Ray: "Yeah, well... I stopped believing that a while ago, but the point is, we are Danger Force. It's our job to keep any type of crap off our streets and out of our town."

They realized they had no other choice, so they all eventually agreed. They all got out their gum and changed into Danger Force. Of course, Chapa had to let go of Bose for them to do so. When they were done, they went down the tube instead of teleporting, fearing that they might teleport into the middle of a zombie crowd.

When they got out to the streets of Swellview, they noticed something different: they were quiet. Too quiet. They seemed a little more desolate than usual. Captain Man and Danger Force started to look around for any other strange signs of a possible apocalypse.

Suddenly, they hear a distant moaning. Bose grew more worried.

Brainstorm: *softly* "Anyone else hear that?"

Captain Man: "Nope."

The moaning gets a bit louder, and closer. They all turn towards the sound, and they see something they wish they would never see. It was a zombie.

AWOL: "Oh, shit."

The zombie continued moaning. Bose got closer to Chapa and grabbed her hand, as he was scared for his life. Chapa turned towards him.

Volt: "It's okay, we got this."

Chapa interlocks her fingers with Bose's. They had to let go, eventually. The zombie was getting closer. No, wait. There was more than one. There were 10. Wait, 20. Hold on... there were so many of them, no way to count them all.

Volt: "We can do this. We have superpowers and they don't."

Shout-Out: "Yeah, but they have a hunger for brains, and I'm pretty sure you can't actually kill zombies."

Chapa flipped Mika off again. She was sick of Mika always proving to be smarter than any of them. Suddenly, a voice appeared through a random speaker on the wall.

??: "Hahahahaha!! Hello, Danger Force!"

Captain Man: "Who are you?!"

??: "I'll tell you who I am: the mastermind behind this zombie apocalypse! Hahaha!"

Brainstorm: "I'm pretty sure he was asking for your name!"

Chapa gently nudged him.

??: "I am known as the Zombie Master! I have traveled across the world on a mission to turn every single person into a rampaging zombie in order to turn this drab world into something even better!"

Volt: "Think again, Zombie what's-your-face! Your minions stand no chance against us!"

Zombie Master: "I think not!"

The speaker turns off, leaving our beloved superheroes left to face the zombie minions.

(Part 2 coming soon)

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