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(Warning: swearing)

Chapa's POV:

It's pretty late at night. I'm lying awake in my bed, trying to fall asleep. I had a bit of a headache, so it was kind of keeping me from doing so. I close my eyes, hoping to have a bit of luck. When I did, I could feel myself slowly drifting off to sleep.

Chapa's Dream

Chapa was having a picnic with Bose near the lake. They both packed a lot of delicious food to eat. When they assembled everything together, they ate and started to converse about this and that. At the same time, they couldn't keep their eyes off each other. They almost dropped some stuff during that time.

Chapa: "This is nice. Being out here in the warm weather, having a nice time, especially when it's just the two of us."

Bose: "I know, I'd do anything for us to be able to do this everyday."

Chapa: "Same, but of course, we still have school and work, which is not always fun."

Bose: "Especially when you have a boss like Ray."

Chapa: "Yeah, I mean, that guy doesn't know his ass from his elbow."

Bose: *chuckles* "Good one, Nancy Wheeler."

Chapa: *gasps* "You watch Stranger Things??"

Bose: "Yep, it's an awesome show."

Chapa: "I can't wait for season 5."

Bose: "Same, it's hard to accept the fact that we have to wait for so long."

Chapa: "Yeah, but it's nice to just think about the show in the meantime."

Bose: "True, and it is nice to ship some of the characters that aren't already together."

Chapa: "I love doing that, it's always nice to imagine two of the characters being together, even though it probably won't be Canon."

Bose: "I do know one ship I love that's considered Fanon."

Chapa: "Ronance?"

Bose: "Yeah, that one! I love shipping Nancy with Robin."

Chapa: "Same! They are perfect together!"

Bose: "I hope they end up together in the final season."

Chapa: "I really hope so, too!"

Chapa and Bose finish up the picnic food while continuing to talk about the famous Ronance ship. After a few minutes, they decide to go for a swim in the lake, even though they didn't have their swim clothes with them. They didn't care, though. They just really wanted to enjoy their time together.

Chapa and Bose took their clothes off and ran down the grassy hill towards the water. They both dove into the water at the same time. When they resurfaced, their hair was in their faces. They took care of that little problem, and they swam a little more around the lake.

It was good that there was no one else around them. They wanted to enjoy their time as much as they could. Eventually, Chapa and Bose took a little break from swimming and decided to just stand near the edge of the lake. It was almost hard to do because the bottom of the lake was soft and muddy, and they sunk a little everytime their feet touched the bottom.

They decided to get out of the water and just let their legs dangle in the water. That was just as good to them.

Bose: "This was fun."

Chapa: "Yeah, we definitely have to do this more often."

Bose: "Maybe there's a good chance we could go to a beach. At least they never have muddy grounds."

Chapa: "Yeah, that's true. We could try to do that someday."

Bose: "Yeah, but I know something we could do now."

Chapa: "What's that?"

Bose: "This..."

Bose places his hand under Chapa's chin and kisses her. Chapa smiles and kisses back. They both kissed each other for a while, giggling in between each breath, and then...

End Of Dream

No One's POV:

Chapa suddenly wakes up, and she realizes that everything was just a dream. She mumbled to herself...

Chapa: "Shit."

Chapa looked up and saw that it was somehow morning already. She thought to herself, how could a dream so short last for so long? She just ignored the fact and got out of bed, disappointed.

She went over to her nightstand and saw a note that she had written the day before. She picked it up and read it, and it said this...

Picnic with Bose, Swellview Lake, 11:30 A.M.

Chapa's eyes instantly widened by the sight of the words on the piece of paper.

Chapa: "Fuck yes!"

She then remembered that she and Bose had gathered picnic stuff the night before, and they were pretty much already set. Chapa looked over and saw that her clock said 10:03 A.M..

Chapa: "Oh, shit!"

She had a little time to get ready for her picnic date. She immediately picked out a nice set of clothes, t-shirt and shorts,  and put them on. She went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She put on a bit of makeup, but carefully, though. She did not wanna mess it up. 

When she was done, she was impressed with her look. She went back to her room and put on a nice pair of black tennis shoes. She gathered some more stuff from her room that she needed, and she headed downstairs.

She gathered the half of the picnic stuff from the kitchen (Bose had the other half, as well as some food that he would bring), and when Chapa had the food she was gonna bring, she checked over everything one last time, gathered the supplies, and headed out the door.

(Next chapter will be the picnic)

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