Halloween Party

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(Warning: brief spoilers to other movies)

Chapa's POV:

Tomorrow at school, we were all going to have our annual Halloween party, but here's the problem: I still don't have a costume to wear. Everyone else had already picked our their costumes.

Miles was dressing up as the Candyman (only because he's obsessed with the character), Mika is dressing up as Helen from the same movie, and Bose was dressing up as Pennywise the clown. Yeah, he only loves that movie because it has a clown in it.

As for me, I also want to dress like a horror character, but I could not decide which one to be. There were so many of them, and I am a huge horror fan, but I knew I had to figure something out.

Suddenly, my mom knocks on my door, I open it, and she hands me a Michael Myers costume, with an actual mask, not one of those plastic half ones with the strap in the back, this one actually covers the whole head.

It was the right size, too, so I knew I was all set.

Time skip to the next day

Bose's POV:

I could not wait to get to school today. We were having our big Halloween party, and I was so happy to show everyone my clown costume. I was also happy because the whole day was party day, no actual school-related work.

I wonder what Chapa's going to dress up as. Last I heard, she was having a hard time thinking of what to wear, but then, she texted me and said that she finally has a costume to wear, and I was even more excited to see what it was.

It might also be a horror movie character. She is a huge horror fan, and there are many horror characters that are around, so I couldn't wait to see what she chose.

Chapa's POV:

When I got to the front of the school with my Michael Myers costume on, I got an idea: I wanted to see how many people would actually recognize me with my costume on. It completely hides my identity, so I wanted to know how many people really know me.

When I got to the auditorium, it was already pretty crowded, so I decided to just walk through the crowd and see what would happen. Then, a random dude in some weird costume shows up in front of me.

Random Dude: "Oh, hey, have you seen Chapa anywhere?"

I shrugged, just trying to mess with him.

Random Dude: "Oh, well, I hope she gets here soon, she would make this party so much better."

The dude walks away, and I roll my eyes. That's one person who didn't recognize me, and as the minutes went by, more people didn't recognize me, which was pretty disappointing, considering I'm pretty much a popular person here.

I look around to see what else there was, and that's when I saw my friends, so I approached them.

Bose: "Hey, Chapa! I love the costume!"

I take my mask off to talk.

Me: "Thank you, Bose. You're actually the first person to recognize me in my costume."

Bose: "It was easy for me, I recognized your eyes, and I will say, I like their color."

When he said that, I think I started to feel warm inside, and outside. I was actually blushing a little bit, and I think Bose noticed, but he didn't bring it up. I decided to change the topic to keep it that way.

Me: "So, you're Pennywise, huh?"

Bose: "Yeah, it took me a while to get all this stuff on."

Me: "Looks great."

Bose: "Thank you."

Me: "Hey, Mika, Miles, loving the costumes!"

Both: "Thank you!"

Miles: "Better not say my name five times in the mirror."

Mika: "Well, I technically did."

We laughed, as we all understood the reference, and we decided to keep joking around.

Me: *to Mika* "Why did you have to summon him?"

Mika: "I wanted to see if he was real."

We continued to laugh.

Bose: "I come back every 27 years to feast on flesh and feed on fear."

Me: "Be careful, we're about to turn light into dark."

We continue to laugh with each reference made. Suddenly, I invite Bose over to the food tables, while Mika and Miles just hung back where they were.

Me: "So, you really like my eye color?"

Bose: "Of course, they're an amazing color. I like how they also sparkle under the light."

Now I'm blushing even more at this point. I never thought Bose would compliment me. Hardly anybody compliments me, yet they just see me as someone with anger problems, but Bose doesn't see me as just that.

Me: "Aww, that's so sweet of you."

Bose: "I always like to be sweet."

I suddenly got another idea: I was going to try and flirt with Bose a little bit to see if he would notice. I might not be the best at it, but it's worth a try.

Me: "Hey, uh...just out of curiosity, what else do you like about me?"

Bose: "Ooo, wow, where do I begin?"

Now I was really excited to hear what he had to say.

Bose: "Well, I like that you're very tough, you're never afraid to say what's on your mind, you're always willing to help out others, you're very smart, unlike me, and to be completely honest,  I don't mind anger at all, and people shouldn't just see you as just a very angry person. They obviously don't know you like I do."

When he was done, I had to try and hold back the tears because everything he said was so beautiful and it made me so happy.

Bose: "You know, there is a clip board up there to request what kind of music you want the DJ to play. Maybe they'll even let you play the music."

Me: "It's worth a shot."

I grab my mask, I head up to the DJ booth to request my idea for music, and to see if I could take over for the part. Thankfully, he was with the idea. Then, I figured out what was going on: Bose gave me the idea so that all the people would see me as being a great person.

He really gets me, and I'm so happy to have him in my life. As the DJ announced my name, I put the mask on the back of my head (so it doesn't cover the whole head), start spinning the Michael Myers music, and everyone starts chanting my name. I look down and see Bose smiling and giving the double thumbs-up, and I do the same to him.

I knew that I would enjoy the rest of the day, all thanks to Bose.

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