Savage Slayer (Part 1)

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(Shout-out to Brainstorm769 for the awesome name!)

((Warning: swearing))

Chapa's POV:

By myself, I walk through these desolate streets of Swellview. It's late at night, and it somehow came to mind that I should go for a walk. Not that I'm complaining because it is really nice out here. There's a gentle breeze blowing through my hair, my boots making a small echo noise everytime one of them came in contact with the ground.

Suddenly, I hear a strange voice from behind an alley.

??: *cackles lightly* "Tonight, we feast."

I didn't like the sound of that, so when I saw that no one was looking, I quickly changed into Volt and got closer to the voice.

??: "It is the perfect night. Their blood is practically calling my name."

I took the chance and peered around the corner to stop this weirdo.

Me: "Yeah, and it's saying that you're going to jail."

The figure, who is dressed up like a vampire for some reason, turns around and sees me.

??: "Who are you?"

Me: "Nevermind who I am. Who are you?"

??: "I'm glad you asked, m'lady."

Me: "Gross, dude, I'm not your lady, I'm already taken."

??: "Anyway... my name is Vampiro."

I couldn't help but laugh.

Me: *laughs* "What?? That's your bad guy name?"

Vampiro: "Is that a problem?"

Me: "Fucking duh, it's a problem. That's a stupid bad guy name."

Vampiro: "You didn't let me finish. My name is Vampiro II, my father was Vampiro I."

Me: "Still sounds fucking stupid. Why are you even here?"

Vampiro II: "It is the perfect night to feed on the blood of the weak."

Me: "I don't think so, you're not feeding off any blood, not on my watch."

Vampiro II: "Hmm, what watch? I don't see any watch on you."

He cackles, while knowing that it was a metaphor.

Vampiro: "But in all seriousness, you can't stop me from doing what I love best."

Me: "Oh, is that right? Well, in that case, let me call the rest of Danger Force and they'll come put a stop to you."

Suddenly, my phone is lifted into the air and smashed against the brick wall.


In a fit of rage, I zap the near shit out of him, but he is not fazed one bit, so I stop in both confusion and shock.

Vampiro II: "I didn't wanna have to do this, but you leave me no choice."

At that, he snaps his fingers, and two other figures come from out of nowhere and hold me back. I couldn't break free. Vampiro II gets closer to me.

Me: "What do you want?!"

Vampiro II: "I want you... to join me."

Me: "No way, why would I want to join you? I don't even like vampires. They suck!"

At that, he starts to get mad. This made me start to worry a little.

Vampiro II: "You won't be saying that when I'm through with you."

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