BDSM: Part 2 (Dom & Sub)

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(Warning: swearing, smut)

No One's POV:

It's been one week since Chapa and Bose did their first BDSM session, and now, it was next Saturday, and time for them to do their second one, and this one, to Chapa, would be better than the last one.

In the last one, Chapa wanted to feel helpless while she was tied to the bondage table and while Bose kept tickling her, but this time, Chapa wanted to be the one who was in control. Once again, she and Bose would be the only ones at her house.

At that, Bose had arrived at Chapa's house right on time. When Chapa opened the door to let him in, they kissed each other as a greeting, then they both headed down to the basement. When they reached the bottom of the steps, they went to the room in the basement.

Chapa: "Ready to start our next session?"

Bose: "Always ready. I can't wait to see what this one will be about."

Chapa turned on the light to the room, and Bose saw a few pairs of heeled boots lined up against each other.

Bose: "Wow, what's this one gonna be about?"

Chapa: "Well, remember last week when I was tied up and helpless?"

Bose: "Of course."

Chapa: "Well, I was thinking that this time, I'd be the one who's in control."

Bose: "Ooo, I love that idea. You're so hot when you're in control of me."

Chapa: *giggles* "Thanks, baby."

Chapa and Bose kissed again. After they pulled away, Chapa further explained this session.

Chapa: "So, this session falls under the D and S categories in the BDSM acronym. They stand for Dominance and Submission, or Dom and Sub for short. Basically, I put on a pair of one of those boots over there and dominate you, the sub, with them."

Bose: "Ooo, that sounds hot."

Chapa: "It's also why I'm wearing my fishnet tights right now. I knew you'd find it hot."

Bose looks at Chapa's legs and sees the tights.

Bose: "Ooo, that's so hot."

Chapa: *giggles* "Thank you, baby. Now, a few more things for this session: for everything to stop, a safe word will be used. I was thinking it can be 'botas,' which is Spanish for 'boots.'"

Bose: "I like that."

Chapa: "Another thing: I want us to use pet names."

Bose: "I'm definitely up for that. I'm up for any name you want me to be called, and I'm most certainly ready to use any name you want to be called."

Chapa: *giggles* "Someone sounds desperate."

Bose: "I really am."

Chapa: *giggles* "Well, take it easy. I don't want you to explode too early, if you know what I mean."

Chapa gestures down to Bose's pants, and he knows what she meant, so he tries to calm himself down.

Chapa: "Anyway, for our pet names, I want you to refer me as your mistress, and I want to refer to you as my boy, and other names like good boy, bad boy, smart boy, basically anything like those."

Bose instantly fell in love with that idea.

Bose: "Ooo, my mistress, that is so beyond hot."

Chapa: *giggles* "Good boy. Shall we begin?"

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