Glerp's Back (Alternate Ending)

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Requested to me by blizlady

(Warning: swearing)

Chapa's POV:

Long story short, I am now spying (in a disguise) on Bose and Glerp out on yet another date. This was getting too fucking annoying, so I decided to put a stop to it.

Me: "Hey, you two!"

They turned around and saw me, but of course, Bose didn't recognize me. The costume was still working, but I had to take it off. When I did, both of them looked shocked.

Glerp: "Have you been following us this whole time?!"

Me: "That doesn't matter! I want this to stop now. I'm sick of you two always laughing and having fun together and... gribbling which, cleary, nobody wants to see you do! I hate seeing all of it!"

Bose looks surprised by this.

Bose: "Chapa... why do you care so much about this?"

Me: "Because... I like you, Bose."

Bose: "You... really?"

Me: "Yes... I've been wanting to say it for a long time, and... I really think we should be together."

There was a beat of silence, then it was broken.

Bose: "I like like you, too."

Me and Glerp: "WHAT?!"

Bose: "Yeah... I didn't know how to tell you because... I was afraid you didn't like me in the same way, which is why I decided to go with Glerp. Sorry, Glerp."

Glerp: "I understand, Bosey. Even though I'm gonna be pretty sad about this, I'm happy whenever you're happy."

Bose: "You mean it?"

Glerp: "Yes, and besides... I figure if I keep gribbling you, you'd eventually die, and that's a world I want no part of."

Bose: "Thank you, Glerp."

Glerp: "Farewell, you two. I wish you both a life of peace and joy."

At that, Glerp vanishes into thin air (the same way when she appears), and it was just Bose and I.

Bose: "So... I guess this means you and I are a couple now, right?"

Me: "Only if you really want us to be."

Bose: "I really do. I just have one question."

Me: "Ask away."

Bose: "Can I kiss you?"

Me: "Hmmm, maybe after you take another walk on Schwoz's age-reversing treadmill first."

Bose: "Fair."

Bose and I walk back to the Man's Nest together. When we walk inside, we see that the treadmill is already ready.

Me: "Huh, how convenient."

Miles: "We figured Bose would need it after his date with Glerp."

Mika: "Hey, where is she, anyway?"

Bose: "She, uh... left."

Miles: "Oof, I'm sorry, man."

Bose: "Nah, don't be. I actually found someone better for me."

Miles: "Nice, bro. Who is it?"

Me: "You're looking at her."

The twins gasp at the same time. I immediately assumed they weren't on board with it, but... they smiled.

Miles: "I knew it! I knew this day would come!"

Bose: "You did?"

Miles: "Of course!"

Mika: "We had a strong feeling that you two would be together."

Me: "So... that's not a bad thing?"

Miles: "Heck, no! In fact, I have the perfect ship name for you two."

Bose: "Let's hear it."

Miles: "Okay, I shall call you... Bapa!"

Mika: "It was actually my idea, but it is perfect."

Me: "Huh... that's got a nice ring to it."

Bose: "Yeah, I love it."

At that moment, Bose walked over to the treadmill and began to walk backwards on it. After some time, he was back to his normal self. As soon as he steps off, I kiss him.

Twins: "Awwwww!"

I started to feel a little embarrassed, but Bose held my hand as a way of saying it's okay. At that, we walked out the doors together.

Me: "Do you also feel like going to Hip Hop Puree?"

Bose: "You read my mind."

Bose and I walk (hand-in-hand) to Hip Hop Puree, which can be best described as our very first date.

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