Apocalypse (Part 2)

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(Warning: swearing)

No One's POV:

Captain Man and Danger Force stand their ground to battle against the army of zombies roaming the street. As soon as they get close, the battle begins. Chapa uses her electricity on the zombies, but it doesn't work. They just kept moving.

Volt: "What the fuck?"

Chapa tries shocking the zombies harder, still to no avail. Mika steps forward and tries to use her sonic scream on the zombies, but that didn't work, either.

Shout-Out: "Okay, why isn't this working?"

Bose tries to lift the zombies into the air, which works, but when they hit the ground, they just get right back up.

Captain Man: "I say we just start punching them until they fall."

Danger Force realized they had no other choice, so they decided to try Ray's idea. They ran towards the zombies and started punching them to the ground. Though the zombies weren't gonna fall forever anytime soon, they just kept at the plan.

Miles was about to start teleporting the zombies to prison, but then, he backed away after he noticed something.

AWOL: "Guys, look."

Everyone's attention turns to where Miles is. When they see what he sees, they are surprised.

Shout-Out: "Is that... mom and dad?"

AWOL: "It is..."

Brainstorm: "Wait, I see my mom and step-dad here, too."

Volt: "You can probably guess what I'm about to say."

Brainstorm: "I'm bad at guessing, but what is it?"

Chapa smiles in a slightly annoyed way at Bose's usual dumbness.

Volt: "My family's in the crowd, too."

All of their parents have been turned into zombies.

Captain Man: "So that means these zombies aren't just zombies. They're all citizens of Swellview. They must've been zombified by that zombie master dude. That means we can't take them to jail."

Brainstorm: "What are we gonna do, then? We can't kill them, and nothing we've done is working."

Shout-Out: "Not to worry, I have the perfect solution."

Chapa was about to flip Mika off again, but then, Mika said this...

Shout-Out: "RUN!!"

At that, everyone starts running in the opposite direction. However, as soon as they started running, the zombies started running after them.

Volt: "Shit! They're about to gain up on us!"

Captain Man: "Keep running!"

Everyone continued running down the street. They seemed like they were about to get away, but right then, Chapa suddenly trips over something random on the street, and she falls.

Volt: "Damn it!"

The rest of Danger Force turns around and sees what happened. They were about to go help Chapa up, but the zombified civilians caught up with her, and they grabbed on to her.

Brainstorm: "Volt, no!!"

Bose was about to save Chapa, but Mika and Miles grabbed him to stop him from getting closer. He tried to break free from their grasp, but it was too late. Chapa was turned into a zombie.

All (except the zombies): "NOOOO!!"

Captain Man: "Retreat! Retreat! AWOL, take us back to the Man's Nest!"

At that, they gather around Miles as he teleports them back to the Man's Nest. Schwoz comes in and looks worried.

Schwoz: "What happened out there? Where's Chapa?"

Brainstorm: "The zombies took her."

Shout-Out: "She's one of them now."

Schwoz: "AIEEEE!"

AWOL: "That's not even the worst part. All those zombies out there are Swellview civilians, including our parents! They've been turned to zombies by this new villain called the Zombie Master."

Schwoz: "What does he look like?"

Brainstorm: "We only heard his voice, but we can assume he also looks like a zombie."

Captain Man: "We need a new plan if we're gonna get Chapa back."

Shout-Out: "And we gotta turn those zombies back to normal people before they possibly take us, too."

AWOL: "We're gonna need some extra hands. I think we know what we gotta do."

They all turn to look at Ray, who already knows what they mean.

Captain Man: "Right..."

Ray takes out his phone and places a call.

In Dystopia

A phone rings. A man picks it up and answer the call.

Henry: "Hey, what's up, Ray?"

(Part 3 coming soon, sorry for the cliffhanger)

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