What is this I'm feeling?

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(Warning: swearing)

Chapa's POV:

Right now, all of us are sitting in the S.W.A.G. classroom, watching Ray demonstrate a seemingly "new" way to defeat a bad guy faster and easier. I could not care less about his style of teaching. I'd rather be zapping the shit out of a bad guy than actually learning how to.

My focus suddenly shifts over to Bose, who is sitting right in front of me. I suddenly feel warm inside, like I was in heaven. What is this I'm feeling? Is this love? I think it is.

Ray: "In conclusion, do this technique the right way, and you should be able to beat them in no time flat."

Miles: "Hate to break it to you, dude, but we all already know how to fight a bad guy without any of this."

Ray: "You'll thank me later."

My focus on Bose was suddenly interrupted when Mika and Miles get a text from their mom.

Mika: *sighs* "Not again."

Bose: "What's going on?"

Miles: "Our dad got his hand stuck in a pickle jar again, we gotta go home and help him."

Mika: "He should know by now to be careful with jars."

Ray: "Alright, I guess you can go help him. It's time for my hourly hair styling anyway."

Mika and Miles exit the front doors as Ray exits through the closet, and it was just me and Bose. He then turns his chair around and wheels himself closer to my desk.

Bose: "Hey."

Me: "Uh, hey."

Bose: "How's it uh...going?"

Me: "Um...pretty good."

Bose: "Cool, cool."

Me: *chuckles awkwardly* "Yeah."

For a few seconds, the room is completely silent.

Me: "Can I uh...tell you something?"

Bose: "Sure, you can tell me anything."

Me: "Ok, well...the thing is, I actually kind of...like you, and I mean like like you. I know it's a little hard to believe, but it's true. It's actually been that way for a while now, and uh...I guess I didn't know when it would be the right time to confess that, but I had an opening, and I decided to take it, I guess."

The two of us stare at each other for a minute, then Bose leans in for a kiss. I kiss back, of course. I was really enjoying the moment with each kiss Bose and I made. We pull away after about 30 seconds.

Me: "I guess that answers my question."

Bose: *chuckles* "Yeah."

Edit: Holy crap! We finally reached 1k reads on a chapter! Thank you so much!!

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