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(This one might just be a platonic one-shot, so please don't be disappointed)

Bose's POV:

Chapa and I were at the annual Swellview Music Festival. We asked the twins and Ray if they wanted to tag along, but they said they had other plans. Whatever, they're missing out.

Most of the songs were heavy metal, or specifically Nu Metal, which means I've been a huge fan of Nu Metal for a pretty long time. I always thought it was just like regular metal (not to say that Nu Metal isn't great), but hey, the phrase alone sounds awesome.

Chapa's POV:

Bose and I were in the front row, enjoying every bit of the annual Swellview Music Festival. They decided to change the style of music to Nu Metal this year. I know a lot of people, including Bose, are fans of Nu Metal, including me. There are a lot of metal bands in different metal genres, but I guess Nu Metal has been very popular since between the 1990s and 2000s.

Anyways, the last song eventually came up, but they made it special. This one was a combination of the first two tracks from one of my favorite Disturbed albums "Asylum." For anyone who doesn't know, the first two tracks are Remnants and the title track. The first one is just music that builds up the moment, and the end of it immediately starts the next song, like without a second of silence.

Unfortunately, before it started, two of the members, the lead guitarist and the bassist, got into an argument about how the other one seemed off-key. This resulted in the both of them quitting at the same time. The lead singer got onto the mic to make the obvious announcement...

Singer: "Sorry, folks. It looks like we're going to have to end the music festival early."

Everyone was upset, but then, Bose and I took a look at each other, and we both realized: we knew the song like the back of our hand. He does it on guitar and usually does the background vocals, I do it on bass, it was a perfect opportunity for us both to fill in and keep the festival going. We both called out to the singer as loud as we could.


The singer got on the mic again.

Singer: "We have to, there's no way we can carry on."


Singer: "You know the song?!"


Singer: "Wonderful! Come on up here!"

The security guards made way for us to get up on stage.

Singer (on mic): "What are your names?"

Me (on mic): "My name is Chapa De Silva."

Bose (on mic): "Bose O'brien."

Singer (on mic): "Wonderful! Give it up for Chapa De Silva and Bose O'brien, everyone!"

The whole audience cheers as we were handed the instruments to play the song on, and then, it started...

As soon as we all played the last note of the song, the whole audience cheered very loudly as we all took our bows. Bose and I went backstage to help out the other members with the equipment.

(Again, I know this one-shot wasn't exactly what you'd expect, so please don't be disappointed by it, and another minor note: all the stuff that was said about Nu Metal was some of my knowledge about the genre. Pretty mind-blowing, huh?)

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