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EVERYONE could feel the tension inside the house as Regan stands at the front door while holding a shotgun. He never knew this day would come when he needed to be in a situation where he will meet his daughter's boyfriend.

Rae, now eighteen years old, told him that she had a boyfriend, and she wanted him to meet her boyfriend formally. It was a simple act of respect for him as her father but for Regan it was an act of war where someone is now taking care of his daughter.

For the past eighteen years, Regan taught himself to be a good father to his only daughter. He was never a father to his twins and when Rae came into his life, he chose and tried to be like his cousins; fatherly, responsible and loving, (which he did poorly).

"Maybe you need to sit down," Cain said but he only received a death glare from him. "They'll be here in thirty minutes, Regan. You're wasting energy by standing there."

"Can you shut the fuck up?" He said and gripped his gun tightly. "Damn, I should've said no to Rocket when she told me to meet Rae's boyfriend."

"Man, I know you're too overprotective, I've seen that with your family, but you should really calm the fuck down, Regan. It's not like Rae will be gone if she got a boyfriend."

Regan clenched his jaw and marched inside the house. "I don't like outsiders inside my family, Cain." He said coldly. "Run a background check on that boy. If there's any slight dirt with him or his family, kill him."

"You know I can't do that no more." Cain muttered and Regan harshly turned his head to him. "Unless you want Rae to hate you forever, I'll do that."

The thought of his daughter hating him calmed Regan a bit. He promised himself that he'd be an understanding father to Rae but that's one of thousand attitude problems he has; he will never understand a thing if he doesn't like it. And the thought of his daughter telling him that she wants him to meet a boy who is making his blood boil.

"And one more thing," Cain interrupted his angry thoughts and took the gun he's holding. "No guns, please."

"Cain, you don't like it when I get mad, right?" He muttered in a low, menacing voice. "You're more than a brother to me than my real brother and I don't want my niece to curse me to death if I ever kill you right now that's why get your fucking hands off my gun and step back."

"You just say that when you're mad as fuck," Cain shook his head. "Dude, you can't keep Rae beside you forever, alright? One day she's going to get married and have a family herself."

"She's marrying no one!" Regan angrily said and kicked the glass coffee table, breaking it to pieces. "I don't give a fuck about being a good dad, Cain! I just don't want anyone near my daughter!"

"That's being selfish. Not everyone wants to be unmarried like you, Regan." Cain shook his head disappointedly. "Rocket wouldn't want you to cage her daughter with your sanctimony. You'll never be a good father if you keep on doing that. You're selfish and irresponsible."

Regan gritted his teeth and pulled Cain by his collar. "You better shut up right now before I blow that fucking mouth, Cain."

"I'm telling you this because you're blinding yourself with hypocrisy. Trying to tell yourself that you'll be better when we all know that you're the worse. Worst brother, worst friend and worst father."

Regan lifts his fist to punch Cain but before he can even land a hit, he heard a voice that somehow calmed him. "Daddy?"

"Rae!" He exclaimed and pushed Cain away. His mood suddenly changed and gave a huge smile. "I thought you'll be late?"

REGAN ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon