Mini One-Shots 5

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Quick A/N: These first two references were ideas from blizlady, while I also add a few extra bits to them as well.

(Warning: sexual, swearing)

No One's POV:

Chapa and Bose are dancing the Tango in the Man's Nest. They are perfectly dressed up for the occasion. Chapa's outfit consisted of a red dress and red heels (to match her red hair), and a rose attached to her dress. Bose's outfit included a black and white suit, a sombrero with beads on the ends, and a rose with the stem in between in his teeth as he smiles.

They were having so much fun; Bose tossing her into the air and catching her, dipping her, twirling her, kissing her every chance he gets, and Chapa kissing him every chance she gets. Holding each other's hands with every tango move with, of course, tango music playing in the background. Both Bose and Chapa blushed everytime they stared into each other's dreamy eyes, especially Bose blushing everytime he stares at Chapa's beautiful, soft, pink and plump lips, which were wearing red lipstick for this special occasion.

For their final move, Chapa stood in the corner facing Bose, who was standing in the middle. Chapa ran towards Bose, and when she got close to him, he picked her up and held her in the air. They both stayed in that position, no intention of ending it anytime soon.

In that time, Bose found himself staring at Chapa's cleavage. He wanted to touch it, but he knew he would accidentally drop Chapa, so he didn't. He felt just as good holding onto Chapa's sides. He went back to staring at Chapa's beautiful and easily-hypnotizing eyes.

Bose: *dreamily* "Please let this last."

Chapa: *giggles* "Gladly."
Debbie: "What's so great about dumb ol' Bose?"

Chapa ends up overhearing this and gets very angry.

Chapa: "What did you say?"

Debbie: "Bose is dumb."

Chapa: "Don't you DARE take Bose's name in vain!"

Crank: "You mean we can't say anything bad about dumb ol' Bose?"

Chapa: "No, you can't!"

Debbie: "Well... can we say that stuff about Bose is dumb?"

Chapa: "No! You can't say nothing about Bose!"

Crank decides to up the ante.

Crank: "Ohh, so you're saying we shouldn't say anything bad about..."

Crank turns around and grabs his own ass in a taunting way, while saying Bose's name in that same manner.

Crank: "Booooooose."

Chapa's face gets flustered and she finds herself getting more furious.

Chapa: "I'm warning you!"

Crank: "Look, mom, I'm Bose."

He starts imitating Bose.

Crank: "Duhhh, hey, everyone, I'm Bose!"

Debbie: "I'm Bose, too!"

She starts taunting Bose as well.

Debbie: "Duhhh, I can't decide on a flavor of puree. Can I sample them all again?"

Chapa start to spark. Crank puts on a brown wig.

Crank: "Hey, mom, what am I now?"

Debbie: "Umm... stupid?"

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