bliss 2.0 🔞 (DOM jungkook)

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surprise update! ^_^
a scenario where jungkook's inhibitions fade once the alcohol runs its course through him.

sub tae, set in 2024, dacryphilia, use of pet play names, creampie.

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Just another Friday night.

That's all this was — a typical, uninterrupted Friday coming to its close — whereas the kids are asleep, and the couple follows suit. Where the house is still and silent, the day being robbed away of its sun. Where there's an apparent lack of life in the living room.

However this isn't a usual Friday night. No, for Jungkook and Taehyung, what makes this one unique is the littered cans amongst the table and floor. It's the giggles of the two filling the air, alcohol blooming a sense of warmth in their bodies.

With just the slightest lift, Taehyung is pulling cans up by the rim and giving them a small shake to determine how much liquor is left in each one.

Empty. Empty. Half empty. Pretty full.

He loses count of them before turning to look over at Jungkook sitting criss cross on the floor, who's only getting sleepier by the sip — although its hard to tell if he's just drunk.

Jungkook throws his head back, his hands balancing his weight on the floor as he lets a drunken groan loose from his throat. "Ahh.. Hyung, isn't this real nice?" He chirps, meeting Taehyung's gaze, who's sitting on the couch.

"Absolutely it is," Taehyung validates, his boxy smile playing its part, earning the charm of Jungkook every time he flashes it. "Good job getting promoted, baby. You deserve it. It's always nice to celebrate these things."

"Hehe... Thanks, hyung. I worked real hard. I haven't drank in so long. It feels... nice, like a reward. And we haven't sat down like this in a while. It's refreshing to finally wind down a bit with my husband," Jungkook's eyes close at how big he smiles.

The older hums. "You're right. I'm sorry for that, Jungkook-ah. We have both been really busy with work this week... But I'm glad to see you like this," Leaning over with his elbows rested on his knees, Taehyung's palm connects with Jungkook's cheek, as if it were molded to be there. "Hehehe, you're burning up, aren't you?"

Jungkook's worries dissolve at Taehyung's touch almost instantly, like the way candle wax melts once a flame ignites its wick. All he can manage is a hum of approval, his eyes shutting momentarily, basking in the sweet touch of the man in front of him. The alcohol sends a sweet buzz through his head, a heat stirring so deliciously in his body, amplifying the heartbeat in his chest, its pulse booming just a bit louder than usual in his ears.

Taehyung drinks in Jungkook's state and his gaze softens, his thumb now tracing subtle strokes along his cheek. He finally breaks the silence. "I'm glad there was finally an opportunity to celebrate like this. You're perfect, my love. In every way." Another stroke to his cheek. "You need to be rewarded more often."

The younger's eyes finally open at that. "You mean that, hyung?"

"Of course, darling." Taehyung smiles, his tone attesting.

"You really think I should be rewarded more often? You mean it?" Jungkook repeats, seeking validation in his eyes, fully knowing he's about to play a very dangerous game.

"Mmph. Yeah."

"We haven't had time for rewards all week... Or actually, two weeks. Hyung, can't you spoil me a little bit more?" He pouts. The thrill of asking such a question has Jungkook feeling like he's walking on a tightrope, his nerves bundling in his toes. He fiddles them to ease it, but there's a hint of excitement there too.

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