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"when the others were teasing us, saying if we liked one another..."

my heart started to pound. "yeah..?"

"and the way you reacted made me feel... upset. like you would never like me."

"..what are you saying?"

"it's just, i didn't know what you thought of me. i tried to get your attention at times and try to look good for you... it's just, i really like you. i was hurt to know you would never like me."

I wanted to scream.

did this guy actually like me?

my heart started to pound and drum against my rib cage super hard and fast he could probably hear it.

i didn't know what to say. or do, for that matter.

but the first thing that came to mind,

kiss him.

within an instant, i didn't think. breaking my fall, I grabbed his face with both my hands and pressed his lips against mine.

it was a moment i cherished - the softness of his lips left me wanting more. i tugged at his hair and he suddenly pushed me off.


"nono, you don't have to kiss me just because i said all that.."

"no, V." I crawled back to him. "you're the one that doesn't understand. when i first saw you, i didn't believe in love at first sight, but... right then and there i did. i love you, V. I really, really do."

he stared at me for a second but pulling me back, he jerked my shirt forward causing me to stumble on top of him. He kissed me rougher her yet passionately.

for a second, my lips were trembling and my hands were shaking, but almost instantly it faded. i became more into it, enjoying his presence.

i couldn't believe it.

after all that time spent together, i never knew this would ever happen.

we started off as strangers. not even knowing each other's names. I remembered trying to impress him, get him to notice me..

but i never knew he'd do the same, without me knowing.

we tugged at each other's clothes as we kissed and i couldn't help but smile through it. I felt his cheeks burning.

we pulled away eventually, panting to catch our breath.

he lets out a small chuckle in between his panting. "i'm sorry for making you upset."

"i forgive you." I smile and pull him back into me.

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