Know You

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first of all i'm SO DANG SORRY for not uploading in 5 days :") hopefully some of you are still reading

holy shit.

i never even thought of the fact he wasn't straight.

My eyes shot open in surprise and i was internally screaming, pretty sure it was noticeable that i was jumping in my seat.

"woah, really?" were the only words i could think of.

"yeah. i'm not really open about it, though."

I clear my throat, nervous. "w-well, uhh Taehyung?"


"i'm actually gay, too."

"really? i never knew that!" his face lit up, for who knows what reason.

sweating from nervousness, and embarrassment, i tried to find the right words to explain for that exact moment. " i'm not open about it either."

"what about your friend?" he asks.

"he's bisexual," i start, "but he's already going out with someone from a dating app he got."

"wow, already? lucky."

"i think his name was namjoon."

"is he cute?"

"yeah. pretty cute."

"and, since you got something off your chest, let me get something off mine." I turn to face him. he looks back at me, and into my eyes. shit. am i blushing again?

"go on," he breaks the silence.

"... i was jealous when my ex got together with another guy."

"really? you've had a boyfriend?"

"yeah, for like 2 years! but i found out he cheated on me, so i dumped him." I pout. "but i didn't really want to, we just got into this big fight until i said "it's over!" and i packed my things and left to a hotel with my friend."

"woah. sounds intense. you miss him, still?"

"well, not really.." I say. "it took me a while to get over him, though."

"you still liked him, didn't you."

"yeah, but i already gave him a chance."

"true," V exhales, unsure of what to add next. "what was his name?"


"well, there's plenty of guys out there right?" He tried to encourage me.

"yeah, i guess so."

I continue to pet yeontan. I wasn't sure what to do or say to v, and so we remained in a comfortable silence as he put on a show from netflix.

I couldn't remember what happened after that clearly, because i think i fell asleep.

but i woke up the next morning in a room i wasn't familiar with and i my head popped off the pillow.

looking around, i saw taehyung with no shirt on.

oh, shit..

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