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when V came over, i really thought that he and i would be closer. But really we only drifted further apart because he kept talking and sitting beside Jhope.

I really wanted to know if Jhope was gay or something. don't ask! i just wanted to.

eventually i got to tae's side and whispered in his ear. "so.. is jhope..."

i think he read my mind because right then and there, he immediately answered, "straight."

a wave of relief caught over me. at least i knew they weren't hooking up.

I sigh as my jealosuy got the best of me. Even though Jhope was straight, i was still jealous to know that V would probably replace me with him.

After all, they were pretty close, i could tell. Like geez, how long were you in that one jail cell together?

Though I basically got him arrested, i didnt think it was going to be this bad. What if he really was going to replace me?

what if he didnt like me anymore?

my thoughts started ruhing through my mind endlessly but eventually, i hear, "okay, guys! lets o for food now,"

I didnt know what to do at first of the sudden phrase. But when it came to food, i knew this was going to be good. So we all squished into Jimin's mini van and we went to Polo Park.

As we were walking around the food court, i was sorta just keeping behind everyone, just following along. There were a few times where they'd ask me what i wanted to eat, but i just said anything was fine.

as we continued walking V and Jhope was caught in my vision. Side by side, whispering.

I was already jealous enough, but now..

When we got our food from subway, we all sat a 7 chaired table and as suspected, Jhope and V sat next to one another. I did sit beside Tae, but there was nothing i could really do since he was so attatched to jhope.

I sigh, and unlike the pancake house, i ate my sandwich almost immediently. But eventually i did get into coversations with Jin and Namjoon, and all of us (not including V) started shipping them like crazy, nealy sceaming "Namjin! Namjin! Namjin!"

i know, its a childish move. But it was a fun time.

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