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was it really worth it to learn how to steal? I thought about it for a moment before nodding yes.

"well i'll teach you the basics later. let's go have fun," he says, pulling at my wrist.

"but it's getting dark," i quickly slip out of my breath while running.

"that's the point! i have a great idea," he blurts, pulling me around a corner after a few blocks down from running. No one could see us.

heading down block to block, pulling into a tight corner, he takes squished into walls, busting out spray cans. i'm guessing they were made for graffiti.

"woah, how did you get those?"

"i keep them here," he says shaking a can, "because no one goes in this one area and i get to paint wherever i want."

i never thought this handsome looking guy would be a criminal.

"give it a try," he tosses me a can of the colour blue. "follow me."

I head his direction as he leads me to a building i didn't seem to recognize and i found myself on to a rooftop with a concrete wall placed in front of my eyes.

"see, like this" he takes the variety of colours and paints to make a beautiful block and fancy lettered word 'dope'.

I try to copy his moves as he taught me how to create a little art graffiti with the spray paint cans.

"STOP!" a sudden voice roars behind our backs.

we both whip our heads around and there's two cops before our eyes. I froze in place not knowing what to do.

"run!!" V takes my wrist in hand as he jolted me across the streets and obstacles, sprinting away.

"what do we do??" i try and yell to him.

"don't worry, this type of stuff always happens with me!" he turns his head and smiles.

i didn't get it.

he was a criminal, yet hot and cute.

just of what i find in a guy.

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