I Forgive You

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I crack open the door of my new room to be greeted by V crying into his hands helplessly.

I knock on the door signalling him i was there.

He turns his head around and when he makes eye contact with me, he immediately sprung to his feet and pulled me into a tight embrace.

I close the door quickly before hugging him back.

"V.. i'm sorry. i didn't mean to make you cry like this."

"how can you be sorry? i-i'm the one that should be." something about his voice in my ear sends a shiver down my spine.

I rub his back and kiss his neck. "it's okay... i just didn't know how to react. i just like you a lot, and i guess i was upset that you were in a relationship with another guy."

He nods his head into the crook of my neck. "can you forgive me?"

I nod back, running my hands through his messy hair. I feel his smile on my collarbone.

I tap his shoulder so he could get up. He does and heads over the the bed, as i join next to him.

he caresses my cheek with his thumb, as i took a look at his puffy eyes. one side of my mouth smiles, as he received the unspoken message of "its gonna be okay."

"do you want to do anything today?"

I shrug my shoulders.

"wanna go out?"

he nods.

"where though?"

"i don't know... maybe just a walk around town?"

"i know this really cool waterfall around our area by a bridge. did you wanna go see it?"


his box smile was finally back.

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